TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Seriously? So they are mad they are alive? :grimacing: I fully agree with your brother in law! I donā€™t have the best relationship with my mom, in fact she screwed up so much in my life I despised her for a long time, but STILL Iā€™d be there when the time comes . People are fuct


I know. Itā€™s fucked.

I didnā€™t get along with my parents for a long time but that was a long time ago.

But still. 5 years. And youā€™re a short trip down the highway. Ungrateful angry jerkoff.


Ya thatā€™s just messed up. Thereā€™s reasons I can fully understand. Iā€™ve had girls Iā€™ve known who were assaulted, or friends whose parents beat them senseless, used their savings to fund their drug habits etc. stuff like that. But it would have to be pretty damn drastic for that. My step-mom who is now my dads ex tried hard to keep him away from us for years, and I held a grudge there as there were years I rarely saw him (like 5-6) but the day he left her and moved back out here we reunited and have been best friends since. Water under the bridge, as I age I understand the value of TRUE family/friends much more than ever before and I absolutely cherish my REAL good/close friends as much as family and my family although kind of estranged lately still gets my unconditional love


If Iā€™m being wise we didnā€™t get along because we are the same.

Gotta deal with that at some point. Canā€™t hate on yourself.

But nothing egregious like you mention. Just rough childhoods. I would understand some anger but seething self destructive anger, I donā€™t get it.

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Mom is blind, dad broke his hip in January, going over to fix their computer AGAIN today.
They have been married for 73 years, cranky as hell most of the time.
Both are quality people and set the best of examples for me & my brothers.
Iā€™m a lucky man.


Yeah lucky I hear you. If you told me, back in the day, that Iā€™d be the good one, Iā€™d have laughed in your face.


Both of my parents have passed. Meeting and interaction with older people shows how much this ungrateful children is occurring. Itā€™s really f(;ked. We met a neighbor taking care of my mother in law who was the same age. She was wealthy also. She sorted everything out so a 24/7 aid could take care of her in her home. The kids put her in a home a half hour away. This was done so they could visit her with the grandkid. They never came. She died after 6 months!


My FIL and stepMIL took care of her mother, in their home for years.

There is a sister who wanted her ashes taken to Brampton. She wanted to be spread on the farm.

A fight about ashes. Like your opinion matters.

Things can get really ugly with end of life/money involved/control/regret/bitterness.

I was also reading about geriatric prostitutes in Korea because society has changed so suddenly and become so westernized that children donā€™t take care of their aging parents anymore. Grandma on the street giving $10 handjobs to survive.


Itā€™s horrible

The oldest sister is a multi millionaire. She could have made everything easy, but wanted nothing to do with it. So the pot growing felon and black sheep daughter took care of her. When she died the oldest wanted the funeral in nj at her church. She got all this support and sympathy for taking care of her mother! She showed up like 6 times in 4 years. Truly disgusting


I bet you my share of the will that my brother will show up for the reading of the will.

And yeah, absent siblings, and the drama between even them, makes it worse.

ā€œIā€™ve been to Brampton twice in my whole life and Iā€™m not going to rest there.ā€

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Credit for that astute analogy goes to @Indicana_Jones.

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I canā€™t take the bet :joy::disappointed:. Heā€™ll be there for sure


I find the whole thing really quite disgusting.


Anytime my man! Always happy to share my creations šŸ«”


lol! Iā€™m definitely not having kids so they are forced to look after me when Iā€™m old. I would never saddle some other person with that bullshit. Just float me out on the iceberg thanks.


Doubt Iā€™ll make it there tbch so Iā€™m not worried if I do, no way Iā€™m asking my kids to wipe my ass etc. Iā€™ll be the stinky, stubborn old guy with a house full of pot plants when they come in too take me away theyā€™ll be like WTF :man_facepalming:t2:


I have a neighbour who is going into long term care. Heā€™s young. Heā€™s got a neurological disorder. Not your average rest home granny.

But to have PSWs come and manage him becomes too expensive (say the powers that be) and it becomes more cost effective just to move him into LTC. Where, IMO, he doesnā€™t belong. Itā€™s a business decision not a humanitarian one.

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Iā€™ll try to expire near the curb.