TopShelfs trees (Part 2)

Agreed. But the Nate Bargatze George Washington sketch was hilarious.

The show has gotten unwatchable though


I know TST. It breaks my heart to see someone walking straight down that path I was fortunate enough to walk back out of. I still have a small supply for when truly needed. I know there will be a day when it is and I won’t have access to any because of the way things are now.
My home grown medicine takes the edge off of my daily pain but there are times that it’s just a have to situation.


What truly boggles my mind is how people justify their use if a doctor writes the script and look down their noses at street use. Somehow it’s different :flushed::exploding_head:.
Political correctness has also killed comedy.
Remember everyone the very fact that we have been there and come back is priceless. When we share our experience with others in this place, they can tell we have been their also. It holds more power than anything said by people who have not experienced this


My substance of choice wasn’t available from doctors (unless I went back to the 18/early 1900s), and pushed me in the opposite direction from opiates…up, not down.
Happy to have left that one behind years ago


My substance of choice also is was up not down. Ironically long term use made it have the opposite effect


There are a few that are fighting back against that trend. Dave Chappelle is one of them.
I feel the need for some politically incorrect comedy right now and love to see some comedians shove that crap right in their face!
Cancel me if you can!!! I’m gonna be funny despite you!


I was lucky enough to have that be my business for many moons, and I lived by DONT get high off your own supply, not that I never indulged “oh I indulged :wink: “ but I always stayed far enough seperated. I didn’t even see the oxy shit coming, until I was like “I’m not taking this shit anymore” and tried to just quit on my own…. That’s when I realized I was fuct. My god that was a nightmare and a devastating day for me, but also a serious eye opener and I’ve never looked at addiction the same since. Not even close tbh

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I love Chappelle!

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Sadly a ton of really funny people from the past would never be able to make it in this current time.


Imagine George Carlin right now!

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George Carlin, early Eddie Murphy, Richard Prior, Mel Brooks it’s insane
I know a guy that snl was looking at for a new hire. He didn’t get it because of a skit he did 20 years ago!
For this matter early SNL wouldn’t be on the air!


Haha Richard prior and RAW Eddie Murphy! Oh ya :raised_hands:t3: and you are right SNL would have never made it past pilot! We wouldn’t know Sandler, Spade, Farley and sooooo many more. Will Ferrell, so many great female comedians etc. it’s crazy how it’s been the pipeline for most super great comedians huh?


Remember the 10 things you can’t say on TV? Now it’s ok to say every one of those but the list has changed and grown into a long long long list of nonsense that offends thin skinned pansies and makes them cry.

I hope nobody flags this post. That would trigger me into an emotional episode and I am not close to my safe zone.


Bahaha so freaking true bro! It’s insane how we’ve almost come full circle huh :man_facepalming:t2:

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Your cancellation is coming if you keep saying stuff like that!!! Come on get in line🤯


Okay. Everyone get your letters of disassociation composed. Remember that’s MoBilly with a capital M and B.
If I’m going down I’m going down alone!!!


:heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: I can only imagine my grandparents shaking their heads experiencing todays “reality “
And than their is George Orwell saying “I warned you all!”


And we regress. It was shocking and omg then it was excepted cause comedy sometimes pisses people off. Now a days a person has to walk/talk on eggshells to not get some group outside there house with torches and pitchforks. Why did we revert back to this everyone is so Fragil and god forbid someone says something that hurts their feelings :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:. WFT piss off with this how dare you offend or disagree with me!

Good morning all! Ya opiates are no joke. Oxy got eaten like Skittles.
Edit: lol I should read the whole thread first I see others had the same sentiments.:joy::joy::eye:‍:left_speech_bubble:


Lots of that shit in my history too. Quit drinking January 87. Went in the rehab in April to remove the crack pipe from my face. Went 15 years not so much as a bong load. Half way thru that was my 1st bad injury. I don’t need to get into details. Seems most of us know them way too well.


I have a question everyone. Are any Virginia peps near Stony Creek?

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