TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

good morning @ the og fam!! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

hope you had a great weekend!? :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :innocent:


Morning folks :sunrise:
And happy Monday!
Weekend shall be receiving no complaints from me :grin:
Hope you can say the same :four_leaf_clover:


Goodmorning everyone!

Have a good day :sunny:


Good morning :coffee: :sunrise_over_mountains:
Hope the coffee is deliciously smooth!


Good morning fam! God I hate nightmares !


Good morning everyone! Had a brush with death just a bit ago. Man my car has new brakes and tires but you hit the brakes and it just slides. Some asshole I’m from of me decided last minute to turn. I hit the brakes and just slide so im like fuck it hop to the middle and split traffic and merge over last minute as a semi is coming head on. Boy oh boy what a rush lol im alive yall! Anyways can I pester yall for some help for a friend in Canada?


Hey man, its getting cold over here and I’ve got 3 weeks left until my last harvest here before Xmas. My temps dove down to 13C at night. Will this harm the plants? I’ve got a heater but it did a dive to -5 last night. You think it’ll show colors on the strains and not harm them? It’s only at that temp at night and the lights are on and a heater. I’ve been ranging from 20C - 25C regular. Which is 68F - 77F. This week is going to be colder, about 55F-60F should I be looking for any signs? The temp just shot up to 24C which is in range now but you can see the graph. 840pm to 7am the next day its in the danger zone


Should be fine, I’ve had it dip even cooler a few times with no adverse affects, what you need help with? I’m sure I can oblige bro


Oh and he is about to move in a month so he doesn’t want to buy anymore grow equipment right now because my answer was get an inkbird controller and cheap heater problem solved

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@TopShelfTrees1 you think he will be fine then? I’ve never dealt with temps colder than 64 degrees and that was on my own trying to bring out colors in the strains its never been that cold in my basement lol

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Definitely, one night won’t hurt them, I’ve seen worse, and had very similar temps a few times , never gave me an issue, but it probably will purple up at least the lowers

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The thing is it’s not 1 night it’s been like that the past few days and he doesn’t have a heater and doesn’t plan to buy anything new for the tent for this grow so it’s only gonna get colder in the tents at night the next 3 weeks to finish his flower before chopping. I think he’s growing in a tent in an outside shed

Oh shit…. Ya idk about that then. It won’t be able to handle sustained low temps like that I’m sure. Definitely needs a space heater or something @HighTilliDie

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Good morning all. :coffee::coffee:
@HighTilliDie 64 is nothing to worry about. Outdoor plants hit 30 all the time when finishing. Certain strains really need the cold to pop and others don’t like it. Sour loves the cold while Gg4 hates it.
Might just add a little bit more time to finish


I’m not sure when it drops to just above freezing in there though , and for a couple weeks ?


I’ve had outdoor as low as 8C and they got some superficial leaf damage but it was bad enough that it was time to chop.


Really depends on the plant. I’ve had indoor hit 40 consistently and finished. Some can tolerate the cold and some can’t. Are you watering with cold water?


Good morning OGers!

Sorry to hear you’re dealing with health issues again @Indicana_Jones and @MoBilly . I hope you’re able to get them resolved, and fully back in the saddle before too long. Your positive attitudes will definitely help the healing. …As will the well wishes of this, the diaspora of growers whose fellowship is a healing balm. We are all connected, whether we recognize it or not. It just so happens that, in TopShelfTrees fort, we recognize it more than most. :love_you_gesture:

This was a lovely weekend for a hike in the mountains followed by a flight of beers (overpriced as it was), and a delicious meal with good company. I hope you all had fun too.


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 !
Have I posted in your thread yet today?
If not I need to go make some deja vu…or is this Deja vu?
There’s a glitch in the Matrix.
Wait did you change my greeting from another thread?


They offered me a red pill and a blue pill and I said fuck it and just took a Tylenol instead.