TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Hope you get better soon @Indicana_Jones @MoBilly I’ll put that out to everyone, seems like we need it :flushed::joy:


@MoBilly and @Indicana_Jones sorry to hear about your health issues I hope you guys are hanging in there and get better soon! Good morning everyone I hope you guys are all doing well today


Thank you, thank you everyone. Your words of kindness mean a lot. I’m just being melodramatic over here and am nowhere near where I was a couple months ago. Still shit kickin from here til infinity! For the 99 and the 2000.


Got it when I picked up a couple packs of zamaldelica express from their last auto reg drop on theseedbazaar. It glows in the dark too! :grin:


I can’t say enough how much this has blown my mind as well, I’ve truly made some of the best friends I’ve EVER had on here, no question. And the amount of kind, generous, selfless people I’ve met here is what has truly opened my eyes, before coming here, well z-labs first I had pretty much lost faith in people/mankind. And it seems like I was meant to come here to completely alter my outlook. I’ve been the recipient of so much kindness, just honest to goodness love it’s heart warming to say the least! It’s also allowed me to give again without worrying about who’s trying to “take me” or just get close etc. to see what they can get, or get introduced to a friend/acquaintance etc. now I just give again with no worry of repercussions etc. it’s absolutely helped to put me on a positive path, in a positive headspace and opened my eyes to the fact that MANY people care about me, genuinely care and only want to see me succeed/thrive it’s an amazing change of pace after the last 20 years of chaos, crime, drugs , cops , thieves, liars and cheats. And with the exception of a few recent setbacks I’m in the best headspace I’ve been in in many years. Much love and respect to all of you , your friendship means so much more than you could possibly know. For Real :pray:t3:


Oh shit that’s epic! Very very cool bro! I gotta tell my buddy Rich to send me his if he gets one :crossed_fingers:t3: I want one !


@TopShelfTrees1 you took the words right out my my mouth man! This place is great and I’ve been happier than I ever was just hanging out with the community of great people here! I just love helping others and it’s a great feeling to actually be appreciated by others and not constantly taken advantage of for being overly nice. This site has helped me make numerous more friends than what I actually have in real life and I actually talk to yall more than anyone at work or outside of work shoot even more than a majority of my family yall are great and like my family now im at home here and I can’t wait to help others and make them feel the same way! This is what growing should be about truly!


I’m smoking some @Jaw’s Chem D x Lemon Larry this morning. It’s got the start to a nice cure. Zesty dank for flavor? Some funky mix. I’ve got the LL in something coming up. Further research will be needed. Cough. Cough. Eat. Cough. Nap. Eat. Repeat.


Amen :pray:t3: I love hearing that others have the same experience, you and I have been talking for a long while now and I could tell you were like minded right off the hop. And there’s a bunch of others that I’ve come across that have the exact same vibe, I think it’s just one of many reasons we all click so well you know. Honestly I know that OG and all my good friends here have drastically improved my way of thinking, my outlook of people and the world as a whole and the way I interact. We truly have a home here and I truly look forward to see what 2024 has to bring for each and everyone of us


Outta likes brother but couldn’t of said it better myself!


Out of likes :green_heart:

Sounds delightful. I love lemon terps, especially when it’s paired with earthy undertones. I’ll have to add that pack to the list of stuff I’d to get from Jaws. I cut myself off because of a pending bill from the car shop and I know I’ll have to pay an arm and a leg.

@MoBilly Glad to hear the community can help alleviate the pain. Real genuine people on here. Sounds like my type of smoke.


I used to say “An optimist is just a pessimist who hasn’t lived long enough.”
In a world gone crazy, it’s just nice to have a place to visit that is just plain chill. Folks helping folks help themselves with home grown medicine.


Question for all ya, so I soaked some old seeds, and as happy they germed. But a couple look funky could that just be them coming back from a long hibernation?


Hard to see kinda, but the leaves are all wavy and off color a touch.

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Wavy leaves could just be slightly over watered. That’s a common symptom


When were they put in the sq pots? If recently might be some transplant shock.


They were seeded in the pots, they may be a bit wet but the others are taking down water. And that seedling just seems to be struggling.

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I normally go solos until mine are bigger than those, then transplant them.


That’s what I’m almost curious about, i had some soil still mixed from the flower transplant and wondering if the mix is to hot for the seedlings


I get those wonky leaves when I water nutes too early/too hot but they go away with the next set usually