TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

I’ve quit replacing most tools now, other than hand roots. If much is required, I’m paying someone else. Barter world lives!


@Kgrim Hopefully you can clear some questions up for me. 1 ive been told “Your environment is the most important part, after the material, of washing hash. If you’re doing it properly, you shouldn’t even be using ice, only cold water. If you’re trying to wash with cold water in a machine that’s full of 40 degree water in a room that’s 80 degrees in July, the amount of product and quality of the heads you’re going to be able to collect will be affected.” 2 Im curious what mods you’ve done on yours. And 3 do you prefer dry sifting or static tek over the ice water rosin? My thought process was I got a heat press early this year to help keep my stockpile below a few lbs and get some variety on things to smoke like dab instead of flower. But with this process I could further refine the ice water rosin and strengthen my concentrates more and further use my stockpile so I stay within legal limitations

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Thank you a ton!

I been planning a possible run of gourmet.

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Haha thats the worst part for sure, i just put on some music and dance around the bucket like some ritual.

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Is that a separate bucket for each bag? Makes sense makes it easier to give a good rinse to get plant matter out.

FOOOOK YAH!!! :mechanical_arm: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Congrats to your son!

Working towards that myself. Set myself back but on the path.

I’m not sure tbh. Those are pics ive taken from reading on here. I believe they just have 2 washers for double the efficiency

@HighTilliDie I’ve run made runs at all different times of the year, and the only thing that I’ve realized for me, is if it’s warmer, final product is harder to work with, IE sticky.
The only modification that I’ve done to my washer is I’ve wrapped it in layers of foam insulation and cut the back to match the machine so the motor breathes.
I’ve got a deep well so I’ve got cold as hell water anytime of the year. I usually go thru 1/2 a big bag (20 lbs) of ice when I do a run, which is usually 5 to 6 washes on a batch. It depends on the strain and how it looks, I’ve done as many as 8 washes before I start to see green in the final product, and that’s when I stop.
I’ve gone as far to separate each wash, and smoke each one, and the 1st will get me as high as the 5th. What I’ve noticed is the 1st hint of green, things change, so I’ll typically do 5 to 6 washes and be done.
I’ve also cut the bottoms off buckets and use 1 for each bag. It keeps bags from touching each other, and a whole lot easier not trying to stretch 5 bags over 1 bucket.


@420noob here is my bucket setup. And yes, I use a separate bucket TOP for each bag. It makes it much easier than having to try and put mulitiple bag on a single bucket, the only whole bucket is the 1 on the bottom.
@HighTilliDie you can see how I’ve wrapped my washer. I just made sure to follow the washer and made a cutout in the back so the motor breathes.


Great advice @Kgrim! I’m screenshotting this for future reference!


Reminds me almost of Frenchy cannoli style with each bag being full mesh not cloth sides and inside a bucket with bottoms cut off. Look his tech up on YouTube if you have time y’all. I remember him telling me to use a wine bottle with boiling water inside to press larger quantities into temple balls.

I met him at emerald cup 2014, and I discussed hash making tech for probably 30 minutes at least! Music was loud and his French accent was very heavy but he was so kind and down to earth.

RIP frenchy…


That’s where I learned it was from his videos.
I did the wine bottle pressing and temple balls at 1 time. Now I’ve changed and get way better results with my freeze/cannatrol/air dry method, and everyone who’s smoked it, likes it much better also.


I never had any luck with the wine bottle method but ive burnt my hand on the bottle and got mad. Wasted a decent amount of kief 3x and it never got gooey I gave up and got a heat press lmao

Man I’d really like to try microdoses to see if it helps at all with my neuropathy & of course the mood boost would be helpful. I just suck at finding them, no way I’m gettin em in the mail, I don’t have time rn to grow em, I tried asking around at a grow shop events etc & probably everyone just thought I was a cop :laughing:


Honestly I would say mail order is the way to go if you don’t have any connections. I’m not sure where you’re at, but around here there are a ton of them and I would say most are safe to use. But always do research into the supplier beforehand!


good morning my friends! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: man the thread moved on fast !

have great saturday!! )


I have not explored micro-dosing. I would suggest getting a recommendation from someone here on OG. I can’t imagine anyone here giving you bad info. Just yesterday I was discussing low dosing DMT. She and a close friend have had a fair amount of experience with Ahyuasca use, among other things. She mentioned how DMT is fairly popular in some mainstream mental health treatments. Might be an option. Some insurance even covers it.
Good luck with your search.


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day!


Good morning everyone. Hope you are all having a great start to your weekend