TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

While it looks cool its cheaper to just plop a seed in a rockwool cube, put it in a bag with a toothpick propping it open and put above the fridge. Seems like quite an ordeal to just get the seed in the machine in the first place. I pretty much have 100% rates that way unless the seed is just a dud. Took like 3 days to germ these recently.


@GEMI-CONNECT616 super excited for the winnings to come in! My fiance is ecstatic about those Smoreoz!


The machine would be cool but is totally unecessary if you got a drill and an agitator bit.



@Everytimefoo oh man I hate Rockwool so much lol. Yeah it’s not hard to germinate seeds but just the thought of it that seems really cool. Germ rates gotta be quicker but in a perpetual grow im always looking for anyway I can to get a few days here and there because it all adds up in the end. I also hear the machine is much gentler than a drill and paddle. The end results with the drill and paddle requires more sifting, washing, or just dealing with the harsher smoke due to the added chlorophyll since its a rough method. Just speaking from what I’ve read not experience

Why the hate for rockwool!? Down with rapid rooters! :wink:

I don’t use rapid rooters or rockwool. I use small plastic cells I pack with canna coco coir. Those disappear into the planters better too. The rapid rooters, rockwool, and root riot cubes will always be noticeable if your lazy like me and water at the center. It’s not a big ordeal but it drives my OCD crazy


This should please your ocd. No visible rockwool :wink:


Yea but then you have to stand there and do that instead of doing something else.


Yup, it sure can be done with a drill and an agitator. Do 15 washes between 10 & 15 minutes in an evening and tell me how your arms feel and how hot that drill is.
Did it, didn’t care for it.
Exactly why I bought a washer, hit start, come back when it’s done. To me that’s worth every penny I spent on both my washers.


I could see that with the machine for sure. I just put jars in the freezer over night and agitate in a 220 workbag very gently and patiently with my drill for 30 mins. (Im weird and like exercise, and treat it like some challenge LOL!)

I try and eat good. The missus is good for me. Lots of salads, bowls, that crap. Lots of fish, not much red meat. I get my fix of that from my in-laws. I saw the biggest tomahawk steak recently I’ve ever seen! Frigging huge!


I enjoy the challenge actually and try to do 15 mins in each hand. Im a weirdo fitness stoner.

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I think my drill is more expensive than that bubblebagdude washing machine lmao. Id rather not burn my drill out and I have tendinitis in my hands so anytime I’m operating anything that vibrates over time will cause my hand to almost freeze up. It sucks because at the time it’s just a burning sensation but then if I keep going and ignore it my hands are no good for the next day if not 2 days after. I actually had to start turning down overtime at work because I had to use a Sawzall to cut down pallets and it hurt my hands too much. I’m pretty limited to what I can do with my hands without long term irritation


Indeed it does! That’s a clean AF setup there!

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Oh man I almost bought on for black friday! Been wanting one for a but now but you have to buy it from Amazon in Canada and they didn’t have the BF discount like they had on the website…maybe next year. Until then I’ll live vicariously through you and Reiko and such

This is what I use for micro planing and it works pretty dang well. I think its a grater for hard cheeses.


It’s encouraging to hear you’re having positive results while on the meds. My old lady gets nothing from psilocybin, her meds seem to block them. And then I get concerned about serotonin toxicity.

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Hey brother, I’m very glad to hear that microdosing has helped you. I’ve heard many people tell me they get very positive results from using pills like you mentioned, or even eating just 0.5 g-1g of mushrooms like depending on how big maybe a cap or a single mushroom stem and cap. I’ve done it myself for periods of time and it helped me greatly to say the least. @TopShelfTrees1

Every time I use psilocybin, I learn so much spiritually and grow as a person. I have been grounded many times from them at points I thought I was going off the rails!

I always have respected plant and fungal medicines much more than traditional medicine, but that’s based how my body feels while taking natural things vs pharmaceuticals, plus my experiences, and of course body chemistry and everyone is different and should use whatever works best for them to achieve a more clear mind or easing up depression, anxiety, or whatever is the issue at hand.


Exactly! And I need my drill for important things like ice fishing


The very 1st batch I did before I bought my washer(s) was with a 1/2” Hilti, probably cost double what both my washers cost.
I’m getting too damn old to do it by hand. After fabricating $10k+ doors for 8-9 hours a day, the last thing I want to do is hold Another drill for 10-15min a batch 15 or more times a night.
I’m done doing things the physical ways, I’m at a point in life where ease and convenience trumps savings.