TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

@TopShelfTrees1 @TopShelfTrees1 @TopShelfTrees1


Good morning guys, apologies, been a shit weekend, felt horrible for a couple days ontop of other issues. My son has Covid and I was pretty convinced I did as well as my wife but apparently itā€™s not, feeling better finally , somewhat .


Good morning brother, glad you are feeling better.


Morning @TopShelfTrees1 . I can cancel my flight now. You know I hate flying anyways.


@TopShelfTrees1 almost had an accidental, impromptu OG gathering on his doorstep!
Glad to see you brother, sorry everyoneā€™s been under the weather!


Thanks so much for all the concern brothers, means so much to me. I could never stay away for long, sometimes the world just becomes too much , and things become overwhelming, just needed to bury my head in the sand a bit, ontop of feeling like death warmed over I was in a bit of hell


Ainā€™t it the truth.
I have a meeting with a new therapist today, and Iā€™m very hopeful that I can get my mental health back in hand.
Iā€™m proud of you knowing when you need the space brother.


Thatā€™s great news! I hope this is the step you need to get back on the right mental path, this time of year is so hard for so many, and I hate even thinking my mental issues hold a candle to so many issues out there, but this stupid anxiety can become too much when my head goes the wrong way, Iā€™m just so glad I have so many great friends here who I know care and have so much love and respect for me, honestly thereā€™s many times I donā€™t know where Iā€™d be without this place! Much MUCH love to ALL of you :pray:t3:


Glad you donā€™t minimize the anxiety. Itā€™s real and itā€™s a big deal. My sister had it pretty bad. It would stop her in her stacks.


@TopShelfTrees1 good to see ya back, it was strange being caught up in this thread for 2 whole days. Always a good idea to disconnect for a few days and spend time with the family :call_me_hand:.


Oh it definitely does that to me too at times, alters my perception completely, not gonna lie itā€™s even unbearable sometimes, truly. But and this is absolutely no lie, I often think about all the people here who care for me, who EVERY DAY take their time to say good morning, or just say hello, make me laugh, spit out my coffee, smile or completely touch my heart, this place is a therapy the majority of the time, and a burden here and there but one I wouldnā€™t wanna live without. Just want you ALL to know it means the world to me to call you guys my friends, brothers, sisters, fam. My OG family, my HOME :facepunch:t2:


Iā€™ve always had this feeling about true friendships, but never so succinctly stated as this right here. So glad youā€™re feeling better, brother :v::relieved:


Glad to see you back @TopShelfTrees1! Now I need someone to get ahold of @HappyTrees23s I havenā€™t heard from that guy in a couple months now


Thereā€™s a saying/quote Iā€™m about to butcher:

That which feels like a burden in times of peace may serve as an anchor in times of turbulence


Good afternoon brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:
Hope youre feeling better!

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Nah, I totally get it and it makes complete sense. Lately Iā€™ve truly been feeling loved/blessed around here. And without a single doubt I can say that all of you here have a hand in that, as well as a hand in getting me to SUCH A BETTER PLACE then I was even last year at this time never mind the entire extremely tough last 3 years (some of the toughest of my life by far) I believe I was meant to come here when I did and meet and befriend you all. Hell some people here have unquestionably become my best friends, and some of the best friends/people Iā€™ve ever met/had. Itā€™s one of many reasons I hold OG in such high regard. Despite the plants, the beans, the brotherhood and love for the plant and the idea to give everyone acesss to cuts/packs/genetics they would otherwise probably never be able to obtain. Itā€™s the people, itā€™s not often a collection of like minded individuals comes together in such a manner in which they actually start changing the world and peoples livesā€¦. Well OG has, and absolutely undoubtedly . Thereā€™s a movement thatā€™s been carried on here that is absolutely priceless and a mindset that is essential in todays society. GIVE, LOVE, RESPECT, CARE and itā€™s caught on like a stray spark in a dry wheat field! Iā€™ve seen dozens and dozens, more like hundreds catch this bug since coming here. Tell me how OG has changed them, their outlook and their lives. How many other places can TRULY say that? We are absolutely blessed to be alive in a time where cannabis is legal and available to SO MANY and spreading constantly, to have access to strains even 10-15 years ago that were hoarded and insane prices! To be able to wake up, log in and be in a place like this, with all our friends, family and generally just amazing people with so many similarities. @LemonadeJoe thank you for this amazing place and the fact you have kept it going to ensure it catches on like wildfire and possibly even changes the world. @moderators you guys too! Thanks so much for all the time, effort and work involved I bet itā€™s overwhelming at times but as you can see OH SO WORTH IT IN THE LONG RUN! And to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU, Thank you for being a part of my day I look forward to each morning, for your kind words and encouragement, for your friendship, generosity, love and respect :facepunch:t2: Thank you all for making OG what it is and for helping to shape a movement, truly a movement that has caught on and shall only continue to grow and flourish from this point on. And those of you who I consider my absolute best friends (you know who you are) never EVER change, EVER . Much MMUUUUCCCCHHHHH LOVE and the absolute utmost respect to each and every one of you. And just know if anyone, EVER needs me Iā€™m here, day/night/sick/healthy/rich/poor I will be there for you.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart OG FAM :pray:t3:


I have found overgrow to be very friendly and welcoming

I donā€™t think itā€™s perfect, Iā€™ve had some complaints

I do genuinely believe this is a great place though and Iā€™ve met a lot of kind people on here. Itā€™s very non judgmental unlike other communities. From personal experience I know it can be hard to run and maintain such a community.

The positive vibe here is why I keep coming around, and people have been very welcoming and engaging. I can see that @Northern_Loki puts a lot of work into keeping things that way.

So well said, @TopShelfTrees1


I agree here too. A few complaints, but not with OG itself. Itā€™s random individuals involved in shitty behavior. Iā€™ve seen the same people on different sites. Their language can be a dead giveaway. Pretty weak.


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the OG fam ! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

enjoy your day!!!


Good morning everyone. Off to pt! Hope you all have a great day