TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Just curious about this…SPY, DJI, etc. are near all time highs…2024 is around the corner. This chart is showing another 1.5-2 years of a bull market and then expect another pullback/retrace/panic selling?


That chart is purely theoretical.


The idea of a boom bust cycle is perfectly sound but the actual economy will deviate from projected patterns and have outliers. Otherwise it would be simple to become wealthy.


Israel vs Palestine happened and I flipped some POWW…was a good move.

I see cormoran about to chime in, so I gotta add this…lol…still holding my shit big lots at 4.22!!! Back to $60 :chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend::rocket::crescent_moon:…lol…probably not…but if it hits $10…thats my new/used civic.


This is what I’d expect, based not on a 200-year-old chart but on the debt-refi cycle and presidential elections… since 2008 we’ve been stuck in a ~4-year cycle of one year bust, then three years boom. Governments are needing to borrow/print more money rather aggressively to stay on top of debt payments, and every time they try raising interest rates to stop inflation from going out of control the economy starts to have difficulty. We’re just starting to see real difficulties on the ground level now, and the Fed’s probably going to make the money printer go BRR soon. If not, the results of the election are pretty much guaranteed, and the executive branch can pressure the Fed without necessarily going on Twitter and making a big stink about it… though some presidents do choose that route. :wink: That’ll push money into the bond market, which frees up capital to be collateral for loans which can be used to invest in other assets, which turns into a bull run for everything else. A rising tide lifts all boats. I still tend to be a long-term investor and just look for solid companies that are going to do well long-term, but I’m occasionally tempted to try to time the market… lot more money in it if you’re right.

If you’re interested in details of the theory, I’d recommend listening to Raoul Pal. Of course, you might end up deciding to just put everything in BTC after that, and I take no responsibility if so… he has about 50% of his portfolio in BTC at this point. :stuck_out_tongue: Even more faithful than I am, I only started out allocating 2% - though it’s up to about 20% by now.


Solo → 1g veg → 5g/7g flower


I wouldn’t base important decisions on a 150 years old chart for the simple fact that it does not account for the 1913 events.

Most inflation calculators etc start in 1913 for this reason…

If you want to one up the market, I’d call your mayor and ask him or follow what public servants are doing :wink:


Are you bullish on COIN? Has been a good move lately with etf blah blah

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I’m neutral on it right now. Coinbase was massively overbought at $3-400 when it dropped the IPO, dropped down to $30 or so at the worst of the crypto bear market, and now it seems about right at $150ish. Decent prospects to manage assets for ETF participants, but it’s not like they’re the only qualified custodians - and ETFs are likely to diversify custody eventually, I would think. Less eggs in one basket. Coinbase could also take a fair hit once ETFs are available because people trading ETF shares aren’t trading on Coinbase. They also charge a relatively high trading fee, which will be forced down in a race to the bottom eventually as more asset managers offer access to crypto, but as that happens they’ll presumably start making more money on staking/loan services as regulations evolve and institutions get more comfortable. That said, that’s from a long-term view - if we’re gearing up for a bull market in crypto, it’s likely to see outsize gains in the short-term. If the bull market’s already topped, it’s likely to fall as people realize the ETFs are mostly symbolic. Tough to tell, which is why I’m not personally betting on it either way. I’m betting on digital gold, not who’s going to do better at producing digital picks and shovels. :wink:


I like to start my clones in a small 1.25 inch square 2.15 inch deep cell till they want watered daily then ill ship in the tiny cells or transplant from a cell to a solo cup or 1 gal for the mother tent. The veg/flower tents I just started using 5 gal containers again. Before I was using 3 gallon containers but with the autopots I was told to run 5 gallons to get more roots and bigger plants. I think this next run will have 4 1 gallon rain science bags


Im still exploring what I like best, Lately the 2 gallon polybags have been my sweet spot to veg/flower. Clones have been living in the 4inch square pots or solo cups.
Mothers are in 2 gallons, They’re getting root bound. I will need to up pot them into 3 gallons soon.


@TopShelfTrees1 where ya at man? Haven’t heard from ya in 2 days now! Hope your just keeping yourself busy brother moving your son in


Yeah this thread is usually impossible to keep up with. When I’ve read all the recent posts, somethings off lol


I messaged him also, hoping to hear back


There was talk of a Bug in the house, last I heard.
Hope alls well @TopShelfTrees1


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and the OG fam! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


No need to worry, I’m sure he’s just building suspense for some big surprise lol… hopefully


Mornin Top!


Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a great day!


Morning everyone! Day 3 no topshelf how will this thread cope without their leader? Lol hope your doing well brother don’t keep us waiting too long