TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

EuroOG’s: “He must be in the country nextdoor!”
USAOG’s: “He must be in the state next door.”
Pigeonman: “So you must be in Ontario.”



Good morning everyone


Bahahaha so perfect!


Explaining to my Euro peeps when in their territory for work the size of just my province always makes me laugh when they clue in.

The double fun is when I explain about everyone lives mostly in a tiny part called “the golden horseshoe”… named such for it’s rich fertile farmland… which we now live upon as an urban sprawl further showing how dumb we in the colonies can really get.

:rofl: :dumpling:


It really is a whole different world up here, I love when I’m trying to explain Canada to people listening to their “idea of Canada” it’s often so far fetched and hilarious!


Sudbury? Northbay? Siouxy McLockland? Or an angry mining town beginning with a T? :thinking:

Yeah. So many statements i’ve heard about Canada from Floridians made me really understand how fucked up that panhandle is. I still love it though… but I don’t think i’d ever visit there again now.


I miss North Bay, haven’t been back in years. I fully agree about Florida/Floridians…. My dad just got a condo up there in fact. I told him “guess I’ll see you again every summer now “ he said “you guys come stay here whenever you want” :man_facepalming:t2: nah I’m good. But I would love to go back to Dunedin and watch the Jays practice


I was there when they opened that stadium! We drove past it often as we were in Lehigh Acres (pre-meth days). I’m not a sportsball fan but when fucking Roberto Alomar was doing a practice game my Dad made off of us go :rofl: :baseball:


Haha epic! Robbie Alomar was and still is an idol for sure. HUGE jays fan here! That’s awesome memories to have that’s for sure. We are definitely of similar age by that story. Awesome! I have a signed ball from Alomar in fact, I cherish that and my Rocket Roger Clemons stuff too . Florida was DEFINITELY much much different in our younger days that’s for SURE.


Yeah… towards the last few years before the family sold the “snowbird home” there were full on gang fights in the community centre lot about 1km away from the house. My grandparents lived there in the winter, my fam used it like a cottage in the sun for holidays and it was rented out during times no family was on site. It made so much sense back then when it was 99$ round trip air fair from T.Dot to Ft. Meyers.

My Dad would get on a plane on a Friday night for a 3hr red-eye to get to be alone with his tropical garden for the weekend and then get back on Sunday night to then get back to work on Monday but with bags of fruit from our own trees in tow. The neighbours would keep their FLA citrus bags so we could fill them with our own produce in order to “legally” get it all across the boarder :grin:

From what I’ve been told, if I went now as a visually confusing mixed race male with 3+ft dreadlocks… I’d get the shit kicked out of me or worse.


that’s terrible to read, but probably true. It’s sad to say that people are douchebags. Not all but a large portion. And places like that have become no go zones for so many that used to frequent them. Meth/fentanyl/opiates have played a huge role too sadly At least you got to experience the good times and have those memories to cherish. I tell my kids often how different the world was even 20 years ago or so, not gonna lie I often reminisce and wonder wtf happened. Mike always says “progress brother, progress if you don’t adapt it’ll blow right by you” and he’s right I suppose :thinking:


This is why I now look at these as documentaries:


Bahahaha no doubt! :joy:


I REALLY wanna visit Maine one day! Bad it’s a bucket list place for me for sure

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Afternoon everyone! Hope yall are having a great day! How about i show ya something to make everyone laugh?


Made me laugh :joy:

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Hell yeah brother! Best one I had was in Fort Mac surprisingly, tried it again in Central AB and the jalapeños were soggy and it just wasn’t what it was supposed to be. The brisket burger ain’t bad either…but fuck me running is that buttermilk chicken ever amazing!

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Haha yes I like to add Fraser Valley blueberries to mine, takes the green away!

I’ve heard it’s actually really gross lol


Demolition man is my all time favorite movie.

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