TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Morning all! Earlier than expected :cold_face:
Woke up to no heat, 17 degrees F outside :-1:
Waiting for the service dude :sweat_smile:

Baby plants are at about 60F right now, hoping it dont get much chillier than that :four_leaf_clover:


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 , @Not-Notjosh! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
oh man i wish we had these temperatures here. then maybe we’d have the chance of a white christmas again. :slight_smile: the weather here in the middle of germany is annoying! just raining and raining and raining.

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that your babies are coping well! :slight_smile:


Good morning you all!!!

Here we are with the Xmas Lottery… many wishes and few euros… :rofl:

Have a nice day!


Good morning everyone! Huh that’s funny @Not-Notjosh because I woke up this morning and it’s actually warm outside. I keep wondering if we will actually see any snow this year but theybare predicting rain on Christmas in Missouri


Good morning guys, yikes @Not-Notjosh hopefully that gets rectified soon. Unseasonably warm here atm, had snow but it’s all gone now. Still hoping for some for Christmas :crossed_fingers:t3:


Morning my friend. You got this! Good morning OG.


Good morning everyone :wave:. Stay extra safe out on the road if you have to travel!


Woke up with zero likes! :man_facepalming:t2:

Good call @NoCal gonna be a busy next 3-4 days out there.


Anyone mind helping me with a cannabutter/oil recipe? Have some relatives staying that can’t smoke but want to consume still :crazy_face:.

From what I’ve found…

  1. Decarb at 200F for 2 hours.
  2. Simmer in butter/oil for several hours on low heat, seems like low and slow is best here?
  3. Strain, cool, enjoy?

Kinda worried about potency (don’t need to be drooling at Christmas dinner… lol). What’s a good starting place for flower:butter?


Hole up at home if at all possible until January 3rd. Don’t run out of papers. The missus and I are driving to the grandkids mid day on Xmas for a few hours. Home before dark. Perfect!
Way too many frothy drivers for me who seem to think 11 lane changes in 1 mile will get them somewhere sooner. The gates of hell for some bad actors. Maybe a crematorium if they were good.


It’s so bad out there this time of year. Every man for himself on these freeways! Just chill and take an extra 5 minutes and arrive alive pls!


I decarb in a mason jar or turkey bag (my preferred) at 240for an hour and let cool. Then basically use enough oil to cover the decarbed flower in the jar or bag. Then I’ll heat that for 4hrs in a simmering water bath with either a slow cooker or a pot of water with dish towel at the bottom (to prevent the jar ratttling or the turkey bag from making direct contact). Then strain through a coffee filter while hot.


The turkey bag is a good idea!

Thanks for the tips. Last time I made edibles I’m pretty sure we just added ground flower to the brownie mix… haha. Trying level up here :muscle:


That will work just fine. Your decarb #s are different than I use, but not a game changer. Strain with cheesecloth. Be careful not to let it get hot. THC degrades, and it tastes burnt.
I use coconut oil, but also use butter if I’m out of oil.
I make big batches. Last batch about 3#s. Once my oil is melted with the weed in it, I put in water in about the same amount as butter. Easier for me to keep temps down. I strain the water/oil mix in a clean bucket and freeze overnight. Nice, clean finished product pops right off the ice.


Good morning everyone

I’d use bho if you have it. It’s easy to melt into butter. I usually figure 70 percent purity to calculate dose size

You can decarb at lower temperature also


$380 and 2 hours later, heat again by 5:30 :desert_island::relieved:
POS thermocouplers never last more than a couple years anymore.
But all babies (🪴,:bride_with_veil:‍♀,:bird:) all warm and recovered from their discomforting experience :four_leaf_clover::coffee::sunglasses:
Thanks! :blush:


@m0sirys , @HighTilliDie weird ass weather lately. Rained cats and dogs this week, then like it remembered “oh shit, im supposed to be winter” :snowflake:


We are falling into winter lmao. Stuck in fall but slowly dropping temping falling into winter haha


germany at least in the middle just has. rainy weather , no white christmas incoming .
guess you all more lucky with snow ?
but this is going on for years here so Iḿ kinda used to it but still sucks :rofl: :rofl:


Here in the USA the Midwest weather is crazy unpredictable. Last year we had crazy bad snow storms and now this year not a sight of snow yet