TopShelfs trees (Part 3)

Yeah I’m gonna take a trip to the hardware store with the blank fitting cap both pieces and try to find a copper replacement or at least a much thicker plastic end cap

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We started with the 13 gallon tanks. Last us 2-3 days and my fiance was like umm no this isn’t gonna do you said this was automated we need bigger tanks

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Good call. I can guarantee you aren’t the only one having that issue bro, in fact I bet it’s a known issue.

Haha no doubt, when I opened it up I lol’d and folded it back up. I do absolutely love the idea. My good friend has a huge white one from them . He loves that thing.

They sent me a free replacement last time I complained about the push connect fitting and told me I was over tightening my fittings and causing them to break. It’s funny how they didn’t take the blame knowing how thin the walls are on these parts and it wouldn’t even take that much more to make a quality part. You saw how thin the end cap was thats a dime width at max

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Yep and for the price and the fact it’s retaining so much water you would ASSUME it would be thicker. But nope, CHEAP AS POSSIBLE, sad cuz I love the idea of autopots. In fact if they had 6 g units and all the cool new stuff they have now I would have just upgraded as I’d need a minimum of 12. Cheap, cheap, cheap. It’s getting harder and harder to find quality that’s reasonable anymore. 9/10 it’s like 4x the price…… which kind of explains things I suppose but had we as a society just continued to utilize better/safer/stronger as opposed to cheaper/weaker etc. I truly believe we’d be in a much better place all around, it’s kind of getting WAY out of hand imho. :pensive:

I was trying to do research last night but of course they dont want to advertise their thread size. I don’t really want to email them again and be like hey I did the same thing can I get another replacement lol. Anyways I don’t want the same part that will break again so im gonna make my own design for the blank cap fittings when I gather some stuff at the hardware store next week

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:man_facepalming:t2: go figure

Well freaks me out because I have 50 gallons of water between the 4x8 and the 5x5 tents. It would only flood the outsides of the tents but still no one want to come downstairs and potentially see 50 gallons in their basement


It was hardly noticeable the other day and I figured my pumps are too strong because sometimes these autopots “dance” around when the water gets to 7 gallons or so and I was worried it was causing excess wear on the bottom threads causing leaks so I cut up a plastic mat and put it underneath. Like a shower wall of something extra laying around but now im thinking it was just a loose on off valve and the broken top caps


Exactly! I’ve seen it and more trust me it sucks! Especially if not in an unfinished concrete basement. (That one was simple as their was a drain and sump)
The one in the bedrooms, that was a nightmare. Was 55 gallons in brutes x2 , Dumbass never closed the shut off valve completely! Left and came back over 24 hours later to a nightmare. :man_facepalming:t2: that one SUCKED BALLS!

:thinking: most likely but good call on the protection wall anyways

Oh dude I can only imagine! I need to get less powerful pumps I just grabbed a set and these are like 465 GPH and I clearly don’t need that much which will help keep my res cleaner since it’s not running a bigger motor pump in 30 min on off intervals

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Just want to say THANK YOU to ALL OF YOU ! All of my friends here on OG my brothers, sisters, those I chat with daily, those I chat with once in a while to those who have become my best friends, truly THANK YOU :pray:t3: This place has become a form of therapy for me quite often, even struggling/feeling lower than low I know I can come here to find warm, friendly and greeting friends who GENUINELY care and worry for my well being. In my life I’ve done/experienced so much and from a very young age was shown many of life’s hardships. There were years I was on top of the world and had it by the balls, others I dreamed of ending it just to escape the pain, turmoil and hardships and a few times I tried. The last few years have been a rollercoaster again and I’m ready and due for some stability, good health , good times and you guys have the good friends part covered. Thank you so much to each and every one of you who stop in here to say hello or good morning every day, or once in a while. Those who watch and are always here but don’t really say much and those who text me, message me, call etc. who have become some of my closest best friends, those who have graciously shared their genetics , tips, tricks, STS, pollen, and various other goodies I’ve been blessed with over the years. I know I have people I can always count on here, true friends and family and to me that is absolutely priceless! I only hope and pray that my contributions are anywhere near what you guys have done for me. Just writing this has got me “right in the feels” and it’s another prime example of just how OG makes me feel and what each and everyone of you do for me, from the absolute bottom of my heart HAPPY HOLIDAYS and HAPPY NEW YEAR :partying_face: May 2024 Be bigger, better and brighter than any other and may all of your dreams and wishes come true! I hope and pray the year to come is much much better than the last couple and may conflicts end and peace reign to all especially my brothers/sisters/family in conflict zones I pray things drastically improve. Much MUCH LOVE AND RESPECT TO ALL OF YOU AND THANK YOU :pray:t3: Thank you so much for your friendship, it truly is cherished.


Back to cloning…. Day 3 ,restarting everything I have , once rooted I’m culling everything else besides my seedlings and Boo which I’ve kept free from pests since my initial sprays with JPS. Then I’m doing a scorched earth cleaning protocol and the dark room 4x8 and the one small room. And once pest free everything will commence. Between them and I’m pretty sure I somehow lost a bunch of cuts I just received I’m not playing around anymore. I need to get back to my regularly scheduled program and they have hampered it long enough. Need more JPS stuff , only thing that truly has worked.


yes getting everything cleaned up and getting a fresh start with great genetics, can not go wrong with that plan brother.

very good idea …


@HighTilliDie go to a plumbing supply. They’ll more than likely have what you need or a substitute


Good advice @Emeraldgreen thanks for the idea!


good morning @topshelftrees and the og fam!
I hope you had a great christmas!
i’m glad my computer is finally up and running again! i’ve missed you all !!

and got some catching up to do :smiley:


Morning everyone! Hope yall are off to a good start today!