TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

I live in a, I believe, 12x24’ space

So my general goal in general is to constantly clean, throw out stuff or fit it somewhere, and make space for even more plants

With the housing crisis. It’s extremely unlikely that i can move


It’s a fair question. When I was flowering in the “bedroom” and sleeping in the living room people would try and argue the benefits of using a grow tent. I had to keep telling them the whole room was it’s own environment, adding a tent wasn’t going to benefit me without the environment control tools etc and would constrain me to a specific space. They didn’t really “get” it because to them tent life was best life.


Goood morning brothas :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


my house is close to that 18x24 but i have a upstairs but its small as fuck i cant imagine 12x24 on a single level

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I live alone, don’t need much or fit it elsewhere

A lot of stuff was just sitting around not being used. I have like 10 boxes of books I need to look thru. Am i gonna even read these again in my life? Do they spark joy, like Marie Kondo says? Or is it just materialism to an unhealthy degree?

Some things were 100% worth hanging on to, like all my grow gear

Most other stuff was just trash though… old computer parts, i don’t even have a computer anymore. Shit like that. I keep some things like consoles and video games but, a lot of stuff I realized is just junk.


Sentimental or useful things stay

But a lot of things are just crap. It feels hurtful for some reason to say that but… we probably don’t need all this stuff, it’s just a safety blanket of feeling like you aren’t broke.

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Redditors talk about how the boomer generation is running smack dab into the fact that 90% of their wedding or purchased China wasn’t some kind of wise investment. It was just a luxury symbol of the time, not inherently valuable somehow. So they’re ending up having to give it away to strangers or worse.


good morning @TopShelfTrees1 , @amumayuk , @leetdood and the rest of the family! :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:


Good morning @m0sirys


ynfortunately im familiar with the situation, too much things for the small space i had
too many hobies pre-stroke and now im limited so i have a bunch of stuff i cant use anymore buthave clung on with the hope of being able to use again in futur


Sorry to hear that. If it helps, I found focusing on the things that I can do to the best of my ability and kept interest in (growing) benefited me the best. Pursuing other hobbies never clicked for me, lol


The only semi exception is programming, because being on the internet a lot, I run into that a lot

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Good morning all . May the sun shine down on you today :grin: I’m headed to the airport :confused: back to the grind


yeah i had a wide range of hobbies from sports , to cars mecanic performance i dabble a bit eith arduinos also i have 2-3 unos and a tinsy here


Good morning guys.

Long weekend. Tweaked my back trimming those trees, over ate dinner last night by a country mile. Back to Monday, hunched back and on the toilet haha.

Have a great week everyone :tophat: :sun_with_face: :coffee:


Slaying yellow perch. I love it.


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and friends, feeling like it’s going to be a napping :sleeping: kind of day. Really over did it yesterday getting coffee :coffee: and a buzz :honeybee: at the moment. Have a GR8 day! :wink::+1::ok_hand::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Looks like you overdid it yesterday “getting coffee”? Hmmm. How big a pot you make @OhNo555 ?
Naps…don’t bother me between about 2 and 3:30. Nap time. Every fricking day! Sometimes it’s the best part of the day.


Good morning you hooligans!! @OhNo555 @crownpoodle hell yeah nap time is great time, there was some colleague that even said napping regularly will help extend your life and he’ll battle stress.


Good morning my friends!