TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

A guy I knew a few years back had gotten a similar apartment in Burk’s Falls in the small apartment buildings they put up for extra living / affordability. He was paying 1k though he had a ground floor apartment. I can only imagine it’s more expensive now. 685 isn’t possible anymore. When I moved in I believe it started at 550.


Let’s say between North Bay and Burk’s Falls. In ontario.


I always used north bay as a stopping point for temagami trips.


You ever go to the sub place? For gyros


No but going to Fanny’s unwashed after a long trip became something of a tradition.


I’ve hardly ever gone to fanny’s. Always seemed like there were hardly ever any attractive dancers. Plus I feel like as a deaf person I’m more interested in the touchy feely bits because they can’t talk me into thinking they like me like that. Can’t use a sexy voice or be seductive with me if I can’t hear shit you’re saying. I feel like that’s their main go to

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Just for a quick beer and a laugh really. I’m not the strip club type.


I could be wrong I just feel like a lot of these women are used to talking to guys who are excited to be acknowledged, and with me it’s like, much more effort to pretend to connect to me that they’re not able to reach that level. I don’t know if im overthinking it.

out of likes already :heart: :heart: :heart:

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No you’re right about attention/validation. It’s all a big hustle.

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Bit of a random sidebar but a couple of times i tried to find a sex worker who knew sign language and could never really find one

I don’t mind being hustled but it’s like, it has to be convincing on some level and most of these ladies have very standoffish or bored body language

And being deaf, I communicate in sign and body language so it’s like they’re telling me “ugh, bored”

I don’t really get it either. I’m old and married now but in the past if I wanted to see a naked lady I could just ask nicely.


most people now a days have a terrible body language. sad but true

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See, im no good at that, so far. What’s worked for me is finding someone who likes money and also seems like they like me, or they act like they do anyway.

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isn´t it done that way anymore? fuck Iḿ getting old :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Dancers in general don’t get paid enough to have that level of quality

When I was dating one of my moves was to have first dates in some shithole.

Removes the money issue from the table. You’re not going to like me any better over fancy martinis and if you did I would find that suspicious.

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Great tip, sincerely. Thats why i see coffee dares recommended.

Can you give a tip on how to get them to go on the date in the first place? That’s my problem area

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