TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

I don’t know a lot of ladies and none of them have ever said yes, pretty much

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Be interested. Don’t pretend to be interested. Be interested. Be interesting. Ask questions. Don’t be too goal motivated. A date is bullshit without a connection so that comes first.

Just ask nicely. Worst she can say is no.


and be yourself . :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:


Part of the problem is I don’t get to, or try to I guess, talk to a lot of people

Like if you had to whip out a paper and pen every time to have a conversation, the amount of small talk would go down on your end I’d guess

Yea I should have put that in there too.

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I can’t tell if that’s just me though

No it’s “be the best version of yourself you can be” or something

Possibly a small talk deterrent yeah. Have you considered the deaf community? In my experience (I’ve got my own community) dating someone from there is a bad idea but maybe not in this case.

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Lol my mom keeps recommending that to make friends. She’s not wrong.

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I found it helpful for awhile but I outgrew it and it became redundant.

And that girl was a lunatic too.

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And therein lies the problem! You really don’t know what the best version of yourself is,

But everyone wants to sell you the package of bliss these days. Self-optimization cough


Authenticity rules. Be yourself warts and all. Better that they don’t like you on the first date than the fifth.


I believe it’s supposed to imply that you should strive to be authentic but also not let that make you think it’s acceptable to be lazy, unthoughtful, etc.

Obviously we all have our quirks, faults, and flaws, but we should try and be cool people. Being authentic doesn’t mean being shitty, right?

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If one is authentically unthoughtful that’s a problem.


Yes it definitely is, but there are people like that

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the lady is also welcome to arrive on her broom. at least then you know what you’re up against! i still prefer it instead having make-up crumble after a while anyway! the facade


Im sure a lady would appreciate it if i made an authentic effort to remember her birthday instead of just being my authentic “the only birthday I remember is 4/20” self

True but they reveal themselves pretty quickly. I’ve broken up with women over how they talk to waiters.


Ew, being rude to staff

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