TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

That’s my mom’s birthday by the way. She half jokes that i only started remembering it when I started smoking pot.

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A little embellishment I don’t object too but heavy makeup I find unattractive.


I’m terrible at this. Fortunately Mrs Foreigner reminds me well in advance and often. She knows who I am :joy:


i’m absolutely with you on that! subtle . i meant it more in terms of character


I will say that a lot of men don’t know what no makeup looks like. They only see ugly face, normal face, and heavy makeup face.

that is love brohta :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Many men embellish themselves too and I’m equally judgey of them for the same reason.

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In what way? Driving a lifted truck?

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I have an irrational dislike for sculpted facial hair. I have 10 day stubble but the idea of taking the time to shave it into attractive shapes I find odd.

But an overly fancy car is perhaps another one.


but hello and what they do put in their beards. If I look like a monster, it’s time to trim my beard :smiley:


I shave with clippers every 2 weeks. And I haven’t wet shaved in 3 years.

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Dude I have an irrational dislike of a certain type of man bun. Like when they shave the sides of their head and put the rest of their hair in a goofy hipster bun on top.

Im not against topknots or buns in theory, you know? But I swear, there’s a certain style that just literally shouts, punch me in the face cause I need it

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dito :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face: :upside_down_face:


People can adopt any affectation they like and I’m free to think it looks stupid :joy:

Man bun is one

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I definitely need a trim. Mostly my beard. I got that hippy homeless long hair look going on. I do get compliments on the hair though.

“Behold for I am superior to an ape as I have no facial hair.”


My mother didn’t know I was doing a funny face


Just realized, this actually makes a great dating profile picture lol

you look like you run out of weed a few minutes ago.

nah just joking :slight_smile:

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I ran out of top shelf trees