TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

I’m not the fittest today either. The weather is so strangely gray here today. Germany just …

Migraine announces itself slowly :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


My condolences… that reminds me I need more headache medicine.

Heard you guys only can get something like 6 at a time?

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6 painkillers you mean? No, we’ll get more :smiley: However, anything stronger than ibuprofen is not readily prescribed here often. Doctors are stingy here. You have to have the relevant illness to get some nice meds


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1, @m0sirys & the rest of the gang! Hope your holiday weekend is starting out GR8! :coffee::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::ok_hand:


Another Fantastic Day

in the Great white North

To the shovel people



Good morning everyone!

Great share for this AM: I dropped off some rooted clones as a gift to a friend yesterday and as he and his brother were showing me around his garden and we were talking Salvia Divinorum came up and he casually says: “Oh we have that.”

I freaked out and asked about cuttings later in the year when they have more veg growth and then he goes into a bushy area and both shows me his 5 plants and then hands me this saying: “For you my friend.”

15 years i’ve been trying to get this Goddess back into my care and holy shit!

So as Mother Salvia is a great teacher (but will doggo death-shake your braim if you take her with ill intentions); I’m gonna baby this wonder, clone her out and then down the road prob make a wiki for any fellow :canada: 's wanting her at the cost of postage. :grin:

This plant is the most powerful energy tosser I’ve ever had in my life. I grew a eucalyptus tree when I had a grove of these plants and when I had to move it due to it’s size I discovered that the trunk that was hidden below the canopy of the salvia plants had grown square, matching the natural way salvia d. grows!. In the weeks after moving it, the tree’s square trunk ballooned out to round matching the trunk that was above the canopy. For the rest of it’s life it had 4 line-scars growing on that part of the trunk showing where the corners used to be.

I can’t believe how blessed I am with this. Gotta take extra care and am gonna build a dedicated space for this wonder including a humidity chamber as it likes low dappled light and high RH!



congrats man… it is a nice plant to grow :slight_smile: all the more so if you already have a connection to it ,

happy growing :smiley:


In the late 90’s I got 4 cuts mailed to me from someone that had the plant. I grew those out and propagated them for around 5 years and bartered the cuttings with a local Head shop that had a satellite “alternative plant shop” in downtown Toronto for smoking related items and growing supplies.

We talked before the deal started and they could offer me ___ in cash or ___x2 in barter. I went with the barter because I spend my cash here anyways! :rofl:

My bong: from salvia barter
My first 1k HPS: from salvia barter

For years I could just walk into this store and get what I wanted “on account”. It was great!


Yes, it was easier to get in the 90s! :smiley: I had one too, unfortunately I wasn’t able to keep it alive for more than 2 years. well I was young and inexperienced :smiley:

I’m very happy for you that you’ve found them again. :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:

Yes, we’ had all kind of strange deals over the years :smiley: funny stuff


good morning everyone. Slept well two nights in a row… the sky might be falling!

Congrats on your gift @Pigeonman!

Wishing y’all a great day and hopefully a better one for you @m0sirys :v:


Yes, maybe I was thinking of the UK


I think the only time I smoked Salvia, my brain just did a complete reboot. It was like it just shut off and then my senses came back slowly one by one. It was a little like waking up but slowed down and with more focus on what sensation or bit of consciousness was returning.


Yeah that sounds scary to me heh

I’ve been fortunate enough to experience ego death from cubes several times but I haven’t tried salvia. It just seems too scary for some reason.


It wasn’t scary at all. But I know it can get way more intense or scary.


i think weed is suficient for me, ive seen a friend take salvia and I never got interested to get that fucked up


Salvia: Divination tool

You take her to seek knowledge, nothing else. If you try you will have a negative shit-show for 15min where it feels like a lifetime. Then for 30 more minutes you slowly come back into your body and know what you did and regret it.

Then your stone sober… but mentally changed.


:rofl: :helicopter:


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far


For me, what I enjoy is acid (LSD) when I’m in the right mood. Still got a wee bit left but it always keeps me up for about, I don’t know, I wanna say 18 hours. So I basically like to set aside a day where I feel up and don’t have any unmet obligations. Haven’t quite got to that point in a while yet, lol, but I’m getting there, I find it connects me much more to how I feel in the moment. But I have a decent amount of practice “riding the wave” so to speak and I’ve never done a big amount.

For those who don’t know what riding the wave wave, its basically just going with the flow, and using the knowledge that you will be OK to not let anything uncomfortable or edgy get to you. Because if you freak out, from what i understand, the negative or bad feelings can get worse.


Which is another reason i don’t take it when i feel down or not great. I don’t want to be focusing on those stressful or negative thoughts. I want to have a positive and enjoyable therapeutic experience where I can see how enjoyable life is.


Shrooms used to be my go to but IME once you trip for a month long your over it. My body won’t let me take shrooms anymore it’s like nonstop motion sickness from the tiniest bit. I loved tripping balls tho it was a for sure mood enhancement thing and I could be best friends with my worst enemy on shrooms