TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

I hear ya guys on the sleep. I’ve never used a sleep app but I wouldn’t be surprised to see similar results as MissinBissin’s.

Mine I attribute to old work habits, to be honest. Most of my working career was the graveyard then ‘promoted’ to the 3am shifts. 3am’s weren’t bad at the time but looking back now, I’m basically STUCK in waking up at the time… no matter the time I goto bed. I’ve tried changing my schedule to a normal persons, but all that does is makes me cranky and pissed off for two weeks.


I don’t know all the details but you should go to the hospital immediately (the second) after you’ve hurt yourself at work.

Workman’s comp is a bitch.

“How do we know you didn’t get in a car accident in the way to the hospital which isn’t work related.”


I should’ve made that report I just find new things very difficult and have bad experience reporting stuff like they don’t really do much


Yeah I hear you I wouldn’t want to deal with them either.


Sometimes it’s worth reporting stuff but you never know if it’s gonna be a waste of time i guess


Sometimes the system exists to ensure that you don’t persevere.

My friend was on a car accident with a cop. I saw the video. The cop was clearly at fault. She’s injured and can’t work.

They’re dragging their feet hoping she’ll go way before they have to give her money.


Unfortunately true. Can be hard to get a payout if there’s ways to delay the process like you said. I know a guy who had to keep appealing, I think it’s called his SSDI?

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When it comes to workers comp and HR, it’s NEVER a waste. remember that HR does NOT have a vested interest in YOU. They almost don’t want you too report stuff like that.


100% you need to be your own advocate because nobody will do it for you unless you’re very lucky.


I reported some stuff to the ministry of labour,
But what i really should’ve done is filed the small claims lawsuit. My autism can make me really scared and anxious of new things / processes. But i feel like that would’ve been a good idea.

Was a workplace where they didn’t really resolve a woman not respecting my boundaries and the problems resulting from that. (She wouldn’t respect my personal space)


A lawyer man. For all of life’s pleasant mysteries you don’t want to deal with.


It made me realize why a lot of women feel like they don’t want to bring up how they’re treated and be seen as the problem in the workplace.

I had a lawyer @Foreigner but they kept delaying and basically just kicked back a form for a small claims lawsuit. My uncles buddy basically said he’d help me but just didn’t do much.


I know what it feels like to feel like a piece of meat and once the novelty wears off it’s very gross.


Morning @TopShelfTrees1
It’s Friday, do you know where your Next crop is?

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I’m not a lawyer but for injuries they only take cases they think they can win. Or their inept fools. Both possible.


In the US we have the Americans With Disability(ADA) act which protects folks with any disability from discrimination; from workplace discrimination, to ramps at nursing homes. Bring that up to HR or city official and it’s like a joker card. Is there an act/bill like that in Canada?


Yes but I don’t really know how to use it effectively.

Sometimes it’s really difficult to navigate these conflicts and make myself heard because I am deaf and autistic and that means with my limited social experience and disabilities,

I come across kinda weird and people tend to not give someone who seems functional and smart the benefit of the doubt.

I mention this because it’s been a challenge standing up for myself. Sometimes people will try and convince me I’m in the wrong because they think im trying to cause problems.


I can’t speak to acronyms but they’re not supposed to discriminate, of course they do, but they’re not supposed to.

They tried to force Mrs Foreigner back into the office and she said fuck you and got a doctors note.


That workplace was also my first job and frankly very toxic

As i experienced more workplaces i realized the culture at my first workplace was very bootlickery and sexual harrassy
My night super would make dirty jokes etc and it’s one thing to do that with friends but it’s not the example to set at a workplace where it’s bound to make someone uncomfortable

Stuff like that

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It depends. The Mrs is in a very male dominated field so she has to play the “one of the guys” trick. Which means navigating inappropriate jokes. I think it’s fine as long as it’s not directed at anyone. Like someone said something in passing, as a funny joke, but if he’s said it to her I would have kicked his ass.

It’s a fine line.