TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

Had to stop and have a good chuckle at Sarah the Hand Model.

To follow up real quick though. I simply can’t do the traditional corporate job anymore. Shit like everything y’all posted above is the very reason. I’ll either work for myself or a mom and pop the rest of my life. I can’t go back to selling what felt like millions of dollars for some corporate desk chair jokey while I had nothing to show in return. The sense of pride you get for mom/pop or from working for yourself, is far more rewarding. And hay, I get it, not everyone is in a position to do such. There’s a lot to sacrifice at times, and the struggle is hella real. Life is more simple though. I’m not rich by any standard… some 5 year plans that look like they’re now 7 year plans, so long as I don’t give up and I’m still happy, does it matter?

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Definitely. Lucky I have only myself to take care of.


Same here. Although I do help me folks out, they’re aging and need alot of assistance. My ex and I decided not to have children. I would love to have been a father but turns out to been the right and correct choice.

Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a great morning so far!


Good morning @HighTilliDie I hope your day goes well, man! I haven’t forgot about you, man. I’ve got a few more postcards coming in from some family and I’ll be messaging you again. I told them mid June at latest. :v:

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Good morning @HighTilliDie

Thanks for the reminder @TrichomesToStun be another chance to take a slow small walk


@TopShelfTrees1 Hey Buddy. Miss seeing you around. Hope all is well. Take your time. Sometimes life can be overwhelming. Good news is it will get better. Hang in there.


Lol, you all have charts? Sleep is not my friend, my chart would look like Morse code, lol.


I am chatting with him right now. He is sick, sounds like the same thing that got me last week. But otherwise he is doing OK.


Glad to hear you guys are chatting, means he’s probably doing a bit better.


@TopShelfTrees1 says hi everyone, he is doing well and enjoying his break. He is a bit sick now but that will pass.


Hello @TopShelfTrees1 we are all hoping you have a speedy recovery!


Hey bud!

10 characters

Sending good vibes

You know for a second that really confused me lmfao! I’m over here like what’s 10 characters long and means hi or hello?


My uncle told me a story about a construction site he worked on in the 70’s where someone was eating his sandwiches everyday.
Fed up, he put some rat poison on his sandwich one-day and after that, he never had another sandwich come up missing.


good morning everyone hows all your :coffee: going this fine saturday

they missed a co-worker for few days i bet


Good morning everyone!

I had to read this three times, no joke, I swear all morning it was Sunday… I almost lost a day!


I asked the same question and my uncle said no one was missing.

I would have done something less harsh like another coworker of mine did to his roomate that kept drinking his orange juice.
After getting on to his roommate numerous times for drinking his OJ he turned to the crew for advice on how to stop it.
That day he learned about the purging power of visine.
Unfortunately, his roomate was not very bright and after a week of the shits and flue like symptoms, my coworker gave up teaching him a lesson and poured the remaining OJ out, fearing he might kill someone.


you just gave the devil some horns lolll