Good morning everyone! Oh man that’s a crazy story you’d have to be really dumb nit to put 2 and 2 together but then again here’s that perfect example of there is always that one guy lmfao. Hope yall are having a great day so far
Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and all you other kool kids!
Syrup of Icecac works. My boss did it to a lunch poacher. The boss said stealing from me is one thing, I expect some low level pilfering. He said he could afford it, we couldn’t. Really pissed him off. TP, Kleenex, and razor blades. It was the 80s. Needed lots of blades.
It worked well.
I used to steal toilet paper from the pizza shop I lived above.
My bosses dad used to stop by on work sites often and one of the guys knew that he was a generous guy so he started bumming smokes from the old man. After a while he got tired of this and began telling the kid to buy his own cigarettes. The kid kept it up with sob stories about how he couldn’t afford it. But he was single and making good money.
Chester unloaded part of a cigarette and put some catfish stink bait that had dried out to powder into the cigarette and then repacked it. He knew which one to give the guy when he asked for one.
He NEVER asked for another. The poor guy was dry heaving for 20 minutes!
It wouldn’t be funny if the guy wasn’t an asshole taking advantage of the old man’s good nature. lol
I don’t wanna even know what that stink bait must of tasted like ehhh lmao
Good morning everybody!
Dangit! New York I love you but your bring me down. Common Edmonton!
Good morning brothas
Hope everyones having a great weeknd so far!
Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a wonderful day so far!
Good morning @TopShelfTrees1, @HighTilliDie, @InTheWoods, and all the rest of you guys! Enjoy this great weekend!
Good morning everyone!
Good morning y’all!
Morning everyone!
Good morning everyone
because I’m waiting
I’m going to try that, getting up, and staying up for 30-min… next time I’m aware I’m in Neutral @leetdood
(No TV No phone, book most likely)
Fingers crossed it works. I know farmers or older generations used to do it, is what i read
TBH I think Mrs. F would have done that first.
Simple trick @leetdood : get blank labels from a dollartree and write “This can has been pre-licked to preserve ownership”.
Not sure that would’ve worked in the college housing I lived in directly south of York u. Basically 15 people, one to a room, in one house. So I had zero chance of figuring out who stole the rare coke. Without a camera anyway.