TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

Good Morning OG. It’s not the same as a waterfall, or running water. I always loved sleeping where I could hear water. When the surf is big, I can hear waves breaking. I can count seconds between waves. A big interval usually means bigger waves. Sometimes outside I can hear the sea lions and seals barking.


Ac set up… soon I will rejoin the living

Good morning everyone hope you all stay cool


Hitting 26c / 79f here. Slowly going down :crazy_face:

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It’s going up to 91f today, be around those highs all week here


Yeah that’s why I put my ac in

Unfortunately I don’t think it’s safe for me to bring the window unit for the living room area in yet.


Morning everybody. Just drove an hour to get to work and I’m locked out. Customer is in a meeting in their home office. Lol. Guess I’ll just sit out here and enjoy the lake.


Throw in some long and dense facial hair and you’ve got a real winning package. xwi2Y3G Not only does it make you even hotter, as an extra added bonus you’re constantly getting hairs caught under one or the other arm and pulling them out as you move during the night! lol (1)


Ah, rub it in that you can grow a beard like zz top… that was my dream, it never happened… :grinning:

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Hola Gang

What’s a good Canadian onine shop
for LED light. Preferably cheap ?

ps: How hot do they go those led



Let me find what I bought recently. It’s on sale sometimes

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It’s on sale right now @Barefrog

Extremely cheap, but good parts as far as i know
Can daisy chain

Not too hot, leaf temp goes down compared to HID
But watch out! Rapid nutrient uptake especially calcium

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293 dollars for 500w basically, if you get 5

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Thank you for noticing.


I can’t point you to a good shop but I can tell you that the heat generated depends on the fixture. My last light would burn my hand if I touched it too long. My current one is cool to the touch.


It was the cheapest light i found that used reliable diodes, seemed reliable based on reviews, and someone had recommended it on here. I stopped around, ac infinity light at indoor farmer seemed decent but cost more and I’m on a shoestring budget.

Ac infinity was more affordable when the light isn’t on sale but seems like they go on sale often.

I will say the right diodes are key! You don’t want to buy some random crap

That being said as I’m recovering (doing tons better though) I haven’t had the time or mobility to hang it up and use it on plants.

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Good afternoon everyone! Hope yall are having a good day! I’m about ready to strangle my nephew he’s a moron smh. 2x hes done this now


I’ve always thought of my beard as kind of thin and scraggaly. I believe it was in my mid-40s when it began to kind of fill in. I don’t know how old you are, but it could happen yet. And to be perfectly honest, I still think of my beard the same way, thin and scraggaly. I’ve let it get long, but like Billy Gibbons? HA! Now, @MoBilly and @JohnnyPotseed, those fellas have some serious facial hair. :+1:

One thing I will point out about my own history of facial grooming (or lack thereof) is that I never got into scraping the hair off my face. After I was maybe 18, other than three weeks when I was in my early 30s, I’ve never shaved. Ever. (Never owned an automobile with an automatic transmission either, but that’s a whole other story.)

I see shaving as being very sophisticated, but very uncivilized. I prefer to be civilized. :joy: