TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

Dont know what happened but I along with many others:

1.) Many of us Sent money or stamps to help with postage to get the Bag of Oranges out. Some even donated more than once. Nothing recieved.

2.) I also sent money along with others to buy Jenny Kush. Never saw what was done with them.

3.) He was also given the Ok for a Coop run of UGORG. Not sure if they ever started or finished.

For the above reasons I also bow out until restitution is made.


This is fuckin wack. Top sent me a bunch of packs for free and never asked me for anything in return.

@Smooth Iā€™m pretty sure BOO had problems reversing.

If yā€™all were blowing up my inbox with this same energy thats on display right now, Iā€™d have wiped my hands clean of all this bullshit too, especially if a bunch of shit just went wrong and thatā€™s that. Some times shit goes wrong. Take the L and keep pushing forward.


If that was the case, Iā€™d agree with you. But when people give you money and resources and then you completely ghost them, thatā€™s pretty messed up. If the runs didnā€™t come out as good as expected why ask for money and resources to get them out?


Iā€™m out too. Personal reasons concerning ethics.
Glad some folks had a decent experience. Not sure what packs you referred to. I sent him boxes of packs that he wasnā€™t supposed to give away, but did.
If you think you got taken by someone misrepresenting themselves, join the club. Gotta admit he pulled a good one on us. Wake me up if he returns. Unfollowing this thread.


Im pretty sure seeds were made. There was no reversal Im aware of.

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Seeds were fem I believe. Iā€™m no seed maker but Iā€™m pretty sure a reversal is necessary to make seeds from fems. Some one correct me if Im wrong. Iā€™m just some asshole on the internet.

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Looking back at PMā€™s he started to put packs together for ā€œthe ones who helped himā€ on April 1st, thatā€™s actually pretty funny.


Iā€™m not going to throw too much shade but active on IG but also taking a break here is a little suspicious.

We will see what happens in the coming weeks.


They were Fems. You are right. But plenty seeds were made. Go read some of the Bag of Oranges thread. Even pucks and labels were made and donated.


Yea he was shucking some here, so definitely seeds.

And then money.

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I said it on bag of oranges, but Iā€™ll say again to clarify

I donated a lot to top to make sure it gets done. Iā€™ll try my best to help him get it done, he was just seriously ill.

He should have all the items right now I believe but please be patient and give him time to catch up on his personal life and garden. I will help him if need be.

I understand others have donated a lot of time, money, items etc also. I just encourage you to be patient and keep in mind things are in progress. He has all the items and itā€™s just putting together the packs and sending them out.

Yea, so thatā€™s great, I think weā€™d like to hear that from him, not you. If you take money and resources from people, and then just ghost everyone, thatā€™s messed up. It should be addressed by him, not you. Heā€™s a grown man fully capable of speaking for himself.


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