TopShelfs trees (Part 5)

Not sure why you guys would say that. He’s helped me out a bunch and sent me plants.


Right. He always seemed good to me, im pretty sure he had a good report with jaws as well. Id like to know what exactly went down if nobody minds telling me


Well because not everyone has had the same experience these past few months. Not too hard to figure out.


People are very negative on this website, is a big part of it. Like one dude posts a bad thing and everybody bandwagons. I’ve been in touch with him and he’s helped me out lots.

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Then why is he ignoring the people that helped him so much and were the “true real ones”? He told you that your were one of the good ones or one of the real ones didn’t he?


“No plants” here’s a pic from June 4. What do you mean no plants?

Really should check your facts before you put hateful info out there


This is probably a good time for you to do the same.


what the hell do you mean check my fax why don’t you look through his threads? You can go 100 or 200 pages without seeing a single plant I never saw any of the cuts. I sent him grown or none of the seeds. I gave him special seeds a year ago nothing crickets holy angels sent him seeds a year ago. Nothing crickets I could go on and on.
he took this place for lights for nutrients for anything he could get.

maybe you ought to check your goddamn fax before you call me out you just made a fucking enemy


Lol, enemy, sure…

You were calling him out for not having plants, because you didn’t know he was taking a break from this website, because you don’t actually seem to care about him…

Moving the goalposts to “he didn’t grow my special seeds” is real mature. Point is you were saying “no plants” he has the plants he’s just super tired of the negativity on this website.

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spit it out now fanboy because in five minutes you’re going on ignore do you want me to read the last thing you’re going to write to me do it now?

i’m sick of the bullshit here and I’m sick of the assholes that lie and cheat and steel and their little fanboys that flock around them.

and I’m tired of sending shit out and spending my time when nothing comes of it

Andy and Papa are the rare exceptions


you mean he’s worn out his welcome and can’t fucking get free shit anymore. That’s what you mean.

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Also, I’ve made plenty of serious people on the scene my enemy, simply because I don’t like them…

Why would i care about you being my “fucking enemy” you’re just some dude on a forum. Get a grip man.

The point is he’s begged and asked for at least two or 300 items and received them all he’s done nothing with any of them

go the fuck away, fanboy I’m done with you


no, you’re just a dude on a grow forum.

i’m 100% real 100% man and do as I say say as I do.

go kiss some top shelf tree ass. bye-bye now you’re going on ignore


Yeah I’m not trying to add fuel to the fire but i sent him some pretty nice cuts as well and never got anything promised.

Not necessarily mad because he seems like a stand up dude and last time i talked to him he had some personal issues going on in life, but most everyone else ive ever dealt with has been straight up about the time frames of cuts being sent. I do hope all is well but still kinda hurtful when someone is promised something and nothing comes of it, especially when i sent out cuts at least a year ago.


Definitely under a lot of stress but you’re right, that’s not OK.

thanks for being clear, I sent you a DM

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Lol well thanks for giving us permission, this has been all our experiences but you seem to think we don’t have the facts. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Dropping out of this thread. Too much negativity.
Catch you all on other threads!
Be kind to one another. :pray:t5:



With respect to all the awesome folks I’ve met in this thread, I will be bowing out as well. I had high hopes that our host would return but it seems less inevitable each day and even more so now.

I wish you all well and I hope to see y’all around the boards :v:


I’m with @leetdood :man_shrugging:

What aboot here?

I hope he can clarify what’s up when he’s back after his mental health break.
