BOO (Bag Of Oranges) reproduction

I’d like to provide those following this thread with an update.

As is evident, TopShelfTrees has not been seen on OG for a couple of months now.

This would rarely be a concern and is a somewhat common occurrence. However, the coincident timing with the call for funds, stamps, seeds, and sundries in conjunction with his subsequent disappearance has prompted us to poke around this some.

After speaking at length with a number of individuals, it has been determined that TopShelfTrees has apparently engaged in repeated private commitments (some of substantial value), taken delivery, but then would fail to follow through. This appears to have occurred regularly, over an extended timeframe, with a pattern that is not indicative of being one-offs, while leaving his various counterparties holding a significant loss.

With an increasing number of incidents that we have become aware of, we had asked TopShelfTrees via an intermediary, to reach out to the moderation team to discuss these concerns. To date, he does not seem inclined to do so leaving us with considerable on-going risk. Here, we close that window.

We’ll leave this thread open for limited duration for comment. Please remain polite and factual.