Trading Cards & Comics

So I recently found a bunch of comics and trading cards. In relevance, let’s say someone buys a comic book, in my state, then they may be ‘gifted’ seeds. Kind of like the old T-shirt poker games.
I found this box of cards and comics at a flea market, $100 got me everything.
Thing is, I knew the boxes had been cherry picked, but not by a real great picker.
Found a Yu-Gi-Oh Blue Eye Dragon card, a Marvel Black Panther, (one of the top 10 most valuable) and many first print first edition comics.
Soooo, what I’m asking, any collectors out there that are familiar with these apps, you can scan your stuff into an database, and it gives you potential value and the ability to share with pics of your goods. I found Magic the gathering cards, I’m like, these can’t be worth much. Wrong. Marvel, DC, Empire Strikes back, Ninja Turtle cards. Same thing, there’s some value there.
Any tips out there in OG land?


I have these :wink:



Those are so cool! I really like the classic Kung Fu cards.

I collect some random things. I don’t know comics but I know a little about Magic the Gathering. is pretty good for checking prices of magic cards. They have an app that will use your camera to scan multiple cards automatically. Could be cool for going through stuff quickly.


Funny thing I have a bunch of comic books and old baseball cards I’d love to sell but have no idea how to go about finding out what there worth or were sell them in quantity

I fully expected you to show your Garbage Pail Kid collection @DougDawson. :yum:
I have as bunch of those old X-men and Ghost Rider cards also.

Love to check em out. If you wanna do something with them let me know!

Found this one almost lost it

And this one found in top 10 most valuable, I have one mint but not psa graded yet…
1990 Black Panther, it’s on this page. I have exact same card.


I’d be interested to see some grading on that.

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Ya, well I hear they have set rates, but if your card or comic is big bucks? They charge like 5%. So if the cards worth 5k graded, it’s $250.
Got a $20,000 comic book at least bagged and boarded, you’re looking at a grand to grade it. Not sure how they determine worth or how that works.
And there’s more than 1 grader. Who do I go to I’m a rookie? Kinda😁

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There are buyer sites that have buy list for what they want and what they will pay. Strikezone and meta tcg are 2 off the top of my head. They buy a big variety of those mentioned items. Hope that helps at least a little

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Yeah, but if you were inclined to sell the card, a grading by a company like PSA would give it all the more appeal of authenticity. So much in fact, that you likely could add the cost of grading into the sale price. :slightly_smiling_face:
I find this often rings true with coins graded by PCGS and NGC.

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One big problem is the bottom dropped out of the card/comic collectibles market. It’s like good watches. Many young folk have no interest in non digital content.


This doesn’t apply to me but I’ve seen many younger people return to old fashioned watches. They’re hip. Like vinyl.


Yeah, it sure did. I bet it’ll bounce back a little bit someday. That’s why I like silver coins these days. They will always have an intrinsic value aswell as numismatic. So I can play both markets. Essentially being fairly safe from the bottom falling completley out.

Damn hipsters, lol

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I just acquired a whole bunch of $5 silver Queen Elizabeth coins.

I bet all that Queen of England stuff is hopin right now. Probably worth hanging onto! Though I can’t say for sure. I rarely dabble in the foreign market.

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I agree, there is a resurgence of retro things but it’s more a small niche market compared to what it was. I have many old pocket watches and love the intricacy of their mechanisms.

I think it will have it’s peaks and valleys but doubt we will see them market anywhere near what it was. Then again, I have been wrong before.

As with all markets.
Yeah, I’ve definitely been wrong before!