Found these in a garbage room of a building I was a cleaner in. Cartoon boxes for Chinese smokes, there great I use them for my more important junk drawer items.
I don’t have a pic, but my kids like to paint hot wheels custom colors. We found a $300 air brush along with a proper 1970s Craftsman air compressor to run it. We paid $3 total
It puts the $150 Amazon set up we had to shame. If you don’t yard sale then you’re missing out man!
WELL I am Never going to tell or mention that this might not be the thread for you but your a Beautiful Person whom this old Italian would never ask to leave or be rude to <3~~}}~~~ lol
Odd this thread should pop at this time. I’ve recently made out pretty good at some yard sales. Got a pretty new looking sawzall for $10 the other day, a Skilsaw and a circular saw for $11.
Then yesterday I saw one with tools on marketplace and took a ride out. Turns out they were telling people to take whatever they wanted and make any donation they could to a venmo that was going towards an organ donor charity. There was a ton of stuff but no tools or anything so I told them I’d bring my GF by later. When I told them what time she got off work they said “by then help yourself to anything that’s left, we’re just going to leave it out for anyone who wants stuff and it’s going to rain tonight”. It started raining while we there so it went from picking to a rescue but we got a bunch of stuff and made a nice donation.
Fishing stuff galore! I have a few old split cane rods worth thousands, some old reels, tackle etc. I’m a die hard yard saler in the summers. Found many an amazing find over the years! @HashstasH that light is gold! Absolute gold I love it!
Why I bought this AM radio? Just looked too nice. $85, way above I usually pay for stuff but the thing was overhauled electronically and the finishing and new grill cloth really sets it apart.
This one I bought because I wanted to convert it into a guitar amplifier. When I got there the thing was playing, just one little chip in the back corner otherwise it almost looks like the day it was sold. I do not have the heart to gut it, even if it was only $10.
Heck, one more. Missing speaker, got it for half price, $12.50. The radio section flips out and there is a turntable under the lid. Not that anyone would treat their records to these old styluses.