Trichome shots!

how long were those fingers on the buds? A couple of cm?

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Freakishly long…

Another Starlite

Pretty sure it was my environment causing most everything to fox like crazy.


amazing! I love it!


They look like they are mocking you and giving you the finger. :rofl:


A variety known to me only as ‘Chocolate’, grown from bagseed.


Those are foxtails right? What causes that? Does it mean anything?


Sometimes just means a longer sativa leaning plant or late cut or yada yada lol

Looks amazing though


Foxtails can be stress from nutes, lights, heat or just genetics. Probably some other triggers for them as well. The only thing it tends to mess up is bag appeal, still smokes just as good. I find under my LED’s if I don’t turn down the intensity towards the end of flowering I get them.


I dont have this problem at all as I run pretty well the same wattage for the whole grow but :man_shrugging: … I’ve found it to be more of a sativa trait or a long running strain trait… Like trying to throw new pistols for that last ditch pollination effort…

Edit: damn emoticons not listening lol


Fair enough. Just something I have seen since I got my HLG 600 in my 4x4. I can seem to halt it if I turn down some.

Edit: Could also be me letting them get too close.

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I would agree with a shit ton of light doing that, especially if you start low, ramp up and then end lower

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Some plants just want to foxtail. It’s even desirable if you ask me.

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Ordered a quantum par meter today to start getting some real data on ppfd, looking forward to playing with it. Just to keep myself on track here smokeit2
Thu May 27 18-02-10 Thu May 27 18-01-39 Thu May 27 18-01-46 Mon Mar 01 19-13-58 Mon Mar 01 19-14-52


Ok fine here’s one:


So would you chop that particular plant …trying to train my eye …as said before hard to differentiate

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Chopped around last pic.


anyone notice the trichomes sort of slump over at chop time? The cap sort of is off to the side?

I’m at week 8 today. Here’s some For the crowd to enjoy, any opinions on close to harvest would be amazing as this is my first grow. I know I sure enjoyed this thread, think I enjoyed @toastyjakes solid obsessive reactions through the entire two years of this thread! I think toasty has framed trich pix in his living room and hallway lol



It’s definitely getting there… Maybe another few days to a week or so

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Wow you guys are amazing! How do you do it??? You said a few days, which will put it at exactly 60 days flower, which is exactly what Floyd said! 60 days minimum. It’s his strain so he would know exactly

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