Trim before transplant

I had to trim lower nodes dues to PM really early in the grow due to me being a noob. It’s under control now/everything has been sterilized. There is new growth back on those nodes and I was wondering if before transplant, I should just trim and bury those nodes or get them light?


Fwiw, I would transplant, and then trim away any excess foliage. :v:


I agree . Transplanted then see how those lowers grow. If not keeping up then cut those suckers off.

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Less stress the better allow the plant to get use to its new home once it adjusts it may correct the issues or then clip


I always transplant the same as I do for tomatoes - bury them up to the neck -
everything in the “dirt” will grow roots and that’s a good thing…


That helps alot! Ill leave them alone.

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I used to do that. These days I find it ok to do early in a plants life, but as the plant’s stem starts to harden ime it can cause stem rot. This would of course be dependent on your style of growing, etc.

So ya, if that works for ya, then great. If you’re getting stem rot, I wouldn’t bury it as deep. :v:

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true - i always water in a 6 inch ring around the plant post transplant - that makes the plant wick water and root stretch - i don’t have stem rot with that technique .

I also put AZOS in the transplant hole and once a week feed with a bit of molasses to grow the microbe colony…


Im glad you said that. I have great white and will make sure to give her myco chum.