Trimbag any good?

As harvest gets near… One thing I don’t look forward to after 20 years is trimming… The commercial trimmers are little too pricey for me but I saw the trim bag and the videos i have seen have seemed like it works but I want to know if they are any good and if anyone has had good results from using one.


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It’s expensive for what it is.
This peaked my interest though :+1:

Think you could use a regular silicone basting bush also


It’s stiffer and broader than a standard basting brush. I have one that I haven’t used yet but a few people said they do a decent job but that the drier the bud the better it does.


I like how easy it is to clean. Put it in the freezer for an hour and just give it a tap :+1:
I wet trim usually but if it’s as good as they say I’ll convert :v:

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Well shit, that brush looks like it works pretty damn good. Cheaper too! Hmm $24.00 I am gonna try it and see. Thanks for the link!

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Your welcome buddy. Big difference to paying hundreds of dollars for a bag you shake :rofl:

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The hanging nets. If they’re too wet it will become flat. Plus they get sticky. I wasn’t a big fan of them.


I can’t find it right now, but I swear I read a review that says the brush is pretty good, but it’s better the more dry your buds are, which may be more dry than many people prefer. If I can find the review I’m looking for I’ll post a link here.


Please do bro. I f#cking hate trimming. I bought a bowl trimmer and I’m still using it. Cuts my harvest 10 fold but you loose a lot of trichomes using it. The canna brush video looks like it’s a perfect candidate/middle ground between hand trimming and the bowl trimmer for both time and trichome loss :+1:


I think the review I was thinking of is on instagram and I absolutely detest trying to search for posts there–especially since hashtags are soooo hit or miss there anymore.

But, I found this video review:

And I found a review from one of the guys over on a different forum that I remembered reading too. From Sc00byD00bie over at Grass City:

I have it and tried it on my recent trim. It works but im not a fan.
The idea is you brush upwards and it breaks off all the leaves, leaving behind a clean nug. Problem is, the outer part of the nug must be bone dry for this to work, it there is any moister left it will just bend those leaves. I trim when my nugs are approximately 65% RH and the brush was only breaking off some of the leave but not all.
Also, when you brush I feel like its a bit too aggressive and causes the cola to move too much, potentially knocking off trichomes. I cannot confirm this but I just kinda didn’t feel comfortable using it for that reason.
After using it for a bit I tried using just my fingers to brush in the same manner, and guess what? My fingers did a much better job because I could control the force and be as gentle or hard as needed, without shaking the cola so much.
It’s very similar to a silicone basting brush but the bristles a tad stiffer and wider, which makes all the difference. I have one of those silicone basting brushes and they don’t work at all. Still, as I said above I’m not sure I would recommend it. Perhaps it could be useful for a commercial application when speed is the most important criteria.


If you dry your plants out enough your fingers are the best tool for the job. Here in the UK we often get “it looks leafy” I usually just grab my weed back and tell them to go elsewhere. The sugar leafs hold a lot of trichomes so why cut them off?? :rofl:
If people want perfectly trimmed buds go to a dispenserie and be even more disappointed :fu:


The solution to that: dry the buds as you normally would. Then, just before using the CannaBrush - put the buds in a room with a dehumidifier and take the humidity down to 35% for 2 or 3 hours (less if the buds are wispy). The outer leafage will be super dry and crispy - perfect for the CannaBrush to do its magic.

Alright, settle it for me then, do I need to buy the bowl, or should I just keep using my fingers? I only grow for myself, and I just make it into hash anyways. I only trim for fan leaves unless I’m giving some fat tops to a budddy.

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If it’s for personal use fingers will do but for $25 the brush will keep the trichomes off your fingers. A bowl trimmer is good if you yield a lot that you profit from though. Saves labour and time. :v:

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Must be different in the UK bcuz nobody where I’m from wants to pay for leaf & majority of people selling trim it up for bag appeal. They use the leaf for hash and sell that too lol


I’ve had the leafy complaint often. I’m not saying I leave all the sugar leafs on but if they are coated I wont trim them to much. Dab etc isn’t that popular here. I wish it was as I compost all my trim and that’s money lost.