Trimming Machines

Trimming the buds is taking ages. I saw you can buy trimming machines. Are they worth it? Which ones can you recommend? How much faster the work gets?

Also is there something that I can put on my nitrile gloves so the buds will not stick to them? At the moment I just take new gloves when they start sticking too much. And how can I dispose of these nitrile gloves? They are smelly and sticky and not biodegradable… :-/


@Meesh can maybe answer this question??

Should just make a thread for every question you’ve got mate. It all depends on what end result you’re looking for if you’re doing it for bag appeal do it by hand if you don’t give a fuck use a machine.

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After a few harvests you get much faster.
I find that if I leave a small part of a stem on the bottom of branches up to around 30cm I can hold that and twist the branch in one hand while snipping with the other. Then neither hand is touching the sticky bits too much, then just hang whole branch on your hanger of choice. I happen to use wire strung between hooks.
Spring loaded clippers are good.
A puff of talcum power on your hands before gloves on is good.
Freezing gloves to get to get hash from gloves is good.
If bare hands any citrus hand cleaner to rid of the sticky icky is good.
Pre roll your smokes or joints before starting to trim is good.
A cover on the floor is to save picking small sticky bits of leaf from your carpet is good.
Cut down only what you will immediately wet trim is good. This means the leaves and petioles will still be perky and not stuck to the side of your buds.
So one branch or small plant at a time is good.
Disregard if you are dry trimming.
Wet trim if you are in a humid climate and dry trim if you are in a dry climate.
Clean off your clippers after every trim session in ISO alcohol is good.
Before you leave your house after trimming make sure to look yourself over for bits of plant matter stuck to you.
DONT BRAG TO ANYONE THAT YOU HAVE JUST HARVESTED and don’t have people over for the first 3 to 4 days when they might get a whiff of it.

Welcome to trim jail.

Oh @Viva_Mexico might link us up with where to get trim bags?

Keep smiling


I got my through the local hydro store.


yeah, I already found out yesterday that it is a good idea to hold the stem and then twist it.

But I am thinking about a machine I just trow the plant in and then the buds come out ok?

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I recently bought a bud bowl trimmer. It works great. After you pull off the big leaves you just cut the buds off the stem and throw them in. I love it


@Mongobongo got a cool looking hand cranked trimming machine that he said works well, I can’t remember what kind of was though…

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@beacher it’s like mine. @SamandMax just google bud bowl trimmers…
They look like this…


Sorry it’s not linking the pic…


Meesh Hi again
Question, Are you wet or dry trimming and do you find it knocking off any trics in the process?
Any kief collecting in the bottom pan on machine?


It has 2 blades. One for wet trim one for dry. Yes it collects the trimming in the bottom of the bowl. Last time I trimmed in it, I poured the bowl trimmings into my trim bin to dry. Honestly it’s still in there, but eventually I’ll get around to running it through the screen for kief. As far as knocking off trichs, same as if you trimmed any other way. btw… it has 3 spacers for the blades so you can trim as close as it suits your tastes


I suppose it’s good for people who make things out of the bud trim. I don’t cuz I’m the laziest rage trimmer in the world and waste like a mofo, but yeah what do people make from that stuff besides kief? Hash, I guess?


I love mine.
Literally just pulled the buds off the stalk.

A couple turns later. :slight_smile:


Yup! Best thing since sliced bread! Easy peasy lemon squeezy


I’m treating myself to one now everybody here on OG is raving about them :rofl: the Amazon reviews always put me off.


Any one brand better than the other
Which is the best reviewed anyone?


You can store it in the kitchen and tell people its a salad spinner -Lettuce Dryer LOL


How quick is it to work with that, compared with hand trimming with a scissor?

Jelly is your a machine operated? Which brand and model is it?

I am wondering if I should get something which has a motor and maybe it runs while I throw the buds inside?

I was reading the trimming is really bad for the trichomes? Somebody mentioned just to dry the buds and then roll them in your hands so the sugar leaves fall off. How bad is that for the trichomes???

I processed my harvest wet. When wet there is much less damage (knocking off) of the trichomes in my opinion. You’re still gonna knock some off, it’s unavoidable. The best thing about these trimmers is they do collect the trim in a bowl for you. Use it to make concentrates, edibles, whatever you feel like doing.

Mine is hand operated, it took longer to pluck the buds off the plant than it did to actually “trim” them. A full plant usually takes me 2 hours by hand. I had 4 plants, and I spent approximately 1hr trimming 4 plants (to which I got just over 1lb from after drying).

Whichever version anyone gets, make sure it has the gear box. It makes the blade spin faster than your hand crank speed.

I love mine, wouldn’t go back. For reference, I got the 16" Ipower bowl trimmer.