Trophy, Achievements, Badges... lil green dots

I don’t have to show you any stinking badges!

Badges are fun but really being on OG with such great members is the real reward.


:rabbit: :kissing_closed_eyes: :seedling: :

Hey, you forgot me aswell! :laughing:

Pz :v:t2:

I want a tiara.

You deserve one.

It accentuates my flowing locks.

To be featured in the 2025 calendar?


I’m definitely pushing the limits of eroticism. Cutting edge, baby!


grade A fuckin work right thur


Yes that’s what I look like while lounging on the couch :joy:

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Update the stamp @Foreigner !


I’d want to be a Chucker Extraordinaire, but do I have to do a hydroponic grow before I can get there? I know it’s hypothetical but inquiring minds and all…

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Do you chuck in an extraordinary fashion?

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nahh you wouldn’t need to do one get the other. Those were just a few I thought of after getting baked. This thread is just a silly idea to hear what other people think would be good badges. No one wanted to play that part :no_mouth:

There could obviously be platinum and diamond badges too.

ME? fuck yeah i do.
only fans know.

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How do I subscribe?

If I got a Diamond and platinum badge I would pawn it immediately.

I happen to take platinum badges as payment to my only fans.

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You’re really limiting your clientele. I suggest taking nickels.

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self sabotage is my middle name

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