Trophy, Achievements, Badges... lil green dots

I wish there was a way we can incorporate these the same way video games do.
We have those lil green dots but they only account for basics. Even if it was possible to code it. I dont see how anything could be verified. Unless maybe you were nominated for it. These are just the first few that came to the top of my head. What would you like to see, what ranking?
(edit)- just a few then i kept smoking and thinking of ideas… :grin:
Bronze Achievements:

  1. Grow Tent Guru: Set up and maintain your first indoor grow tent.
  2. Green Thumb: Successfully complete your first cannabis grow.
  3. Harvest Novice: Successfully harvest and cure your grow.
  4. Genetic Gifter: Give out free seeds

Silver Achievements:

  1. Grow Room upgrade: Optimize/ upgrading your environmental conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, light)
  2. Pest Control: Successfully identify and manage insects or molds/ offer advice on how to manage.
  3. Hydroponics Hero: Successfully complete a hydroponic grow.
  4. Test Bean Connoisseur: Successfully evaluate the quality of the buds from someone elses test beans.

Gold Achievements:

  1. Chucker Extraordinaire: Successfully breed your own pollen chuck.
  2. Cannabis Connoisseur: Develop a deep understanding of cannabis genetics, cultivation techniques, and consumption methods.
  3. Harvest Maestro: Produce X amounts of high-quality grows.
  4. Grower’s Guild Grandmaster: Mentoring other growers and contributing significantly to the cannabis growing community.
  5. Reproduction Specialist: Successfully reproduce sought after cannabis genetics, maintaining desired traits.

We have them already. Some, like Overgrower, are contingent upon community activities already. It’s granted when someone completes a co-op run. As far as making changes, no idea if it’s possible to add new badges or just to change the existing ones, but that’d be something to talk to @LemonadeJoe about since it probably involves server-level modifications.

Here’s your list of badges:


how do i see your badges ?

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Just click someone’s username twice, and it should pull up a page with user stats. The badges section is on the right side.

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Click on his name. Then click it again.

And scroll down so you can see who’s got “Devotee” flex like Corm and me :bear::joy:


And me too! :crazy_face:


true, true.
But thats still just how we get the the lil green dots. No?
What are some badges you guys would add if you could ?

LOL, and you! @blowdout2269 :sweat_smile::laughing:


No those are based on activity. You get a dot when you receive certain numbers of cumulative likes across all of your posts. The more dots you have, you have to have a certain exponent higher to receive your next dot.

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Us Devotee Badgers are the shit!!


I dig badges, personally and I’d be down to see more (although there are 42 available!), kind of like the “trusted cultivator” I’ve seen elsewhere to
help users have a better idea whose advice to give credence to.

Real ones know!


I’ve been here every day since I rejoined OG2.0 in November of 2021 - 770 days visited - that devotee badge continues to give me the cold shoulder…. Not sure exactly how that one gets awarded…


I has the coveted TC Tag over @ yi old shroomery :nerd_face:


It’s only for yourself brother. :wink:
Let’s us know how much more we like our plants and this place, rather than daily life itself.
That’s cool shit though! Awsome achievement.

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I used to mod over at Growery. I think I’m member # 230 or something over there… did you ever make it over? I feel like it’s probably pretty dead

me? i was on the growery. Member 4849 back in 09’. I was never diggin that vibe
certainly not a TC there.

I dont really understand “social media” like facebook and twitter and such. I guess Im too old and out of touch. But that is ok. I joined this community to connect with some “poor boy” farmers in other countries and it has been great. I had no idea that so many old-time breeders were on this site. Talking to them has been the high piont of my life. Having said that, all these badges and dots dont mean much to me. I make trades and if you treat me right then we are buddies. After fighting the “war on drugs” for 43 years, I am still a little paraniod about being in the daylight. 🥸


Don’t need to stinking badges. Badges are the symbol of the enemy and oppression. We need sashes. Bright and flashy so we can get medicated and go “oh shiny”.
