Trying to germinate 15+ year old seeds, help?

I got some Black Mamba seeds way back before the original got shut down, and crossed them with some Bogglegum from BOG. I then kept breeding the best subsequent male offspring back to the best mother.

They were pretty big ladies, with enormous 13” fan leaves that turned gold, maroon and black in cool temperatures. The smell was like blueberries soaked in jet fuel, but they smoked smooth.

I had to quit growing after OG got taken down, but I have held onto these seeds for all these years in hopes that I might grow them someday. Unfortunately, I am not having any luck with getting any to sprout.

These have NO ruderalis genetics and might be valuable to someone else just for that. I’m frankly not impressed with most of the junk at dispensaries, and those trendy, popular ruderalis bastard hybrids with made-up goofy names (sorry, I don’t like them much) are just lacking.

I would love to keep this strain alive, and honestly consider perfecting it my life’s work.

I don’t have many left, but I would be happy to send them to someone experienced who might be able to help.

I know way back in the day I sent a lot of seeds to other folks for fun, and I would love to be able to do that again. It’s been a long time, and I’m ready to get back to work.

Btw I also was playing with a trifoliate version. I thought it was interesting and had potential. Instead of 2 branches per internode, it had 3. I think I have some seeds left for it, too- which I would be happy share so they don’t go completely to waste.


38 posts were merged into an existing topic: Techniques for The Germination of Older Seeds
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