Tumbled cannabis

Who said ALL weed? I just stated my opinion from my experiences. You can choose to not believe me that is fine.


ALL weed, obviously not. Utter nonsense.

SOME weed, of course. Inevitable.

The only real answer is to know what has happened to your weed from seed to bowl. By growing it yourself.



« GROW IT YOURSELF » is an option which is about to get specifically CRIMINALIZED in my province, not to mention even more levels of bigot authorities also intervein, like municipalities and landlords. So it’s only a matter of time before the stun guns (recently purchased
) can be put to some “good” use by a police that’s beefed-up at the fresh news of increased budgets, for example.

This implies that no matter how isolated a land or balcony, the 13+ CDSA modifications performed under Trudeau await for their application without even a need for Justin’s deceiving “Cannabis Act”, i believe! We’re talking about Civil Asset Forfeiture, CPS kidnapings and more just like in parts of USA, i’m sure. Or simply explain why no Liberal will care to justify that there’s been this many law changes pretending we still to wait for one, for starters

LPs have been found to discuss BANNED pesticides behind closed doors, though while H.-C. was remaining contemplative. None of those lost their license by the way, on the contrary: Hydropethecary shared their finding « A mari usque ad mare » over non-detection of myclobutanil below 0.01 ppm - go wonder how many more pesticides are being tested for non-detection thresholds that still leave some pesticide activity behind. Washington’s list had 200+ to toy with. And now this same company with an imposter trade name dares contemplate tissue cultivation which requires the same sterile facilities as the GMO industry, if i’m not mistaking. Read “Bio-Markers” turning us all fluorescent under UV light!..


So, how gullible do i need to be not to be concerned that “Tumbled Weed” ain’t part of the whole self-vilification deal as well??

Remember, their No. #1 objective is for the habit to go extinct, but not before they’ve extracted all they could from their real crop: human flesh turned into plastic money.

It has happened before, just not yet!



In Texas we not only are up against the Alt Right majority in the State Legislature, but also, the evangelical zealots, Christian extremist, and Dominionists. It’s a slog go be sure! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Quite right, lets, euh
 Oups! This ain’t the plain old internet anymore, hence we need to keep things civilized - which reminds me of the French Revolution actually:

YouTube: “Madame Guillotine” Lego Stop Motion Animation (2012-Mar-24)


Interesting typo

Sorry, Forgive me for I am old and very high! :cowboy_hat_face: The entire post made absolutely no sense! Lolol! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Salutations OleSkool830,

Then that shall compensate for not being so high to feel out of control!

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


Absolutely correct sir! :cowboy_hat_face:


tumbled like this

@mike28086 pretty much all cannabis i bought from online dispensaries here in canada was tumbled, inspecting with a loupe showed all exposed trichomes sheared off. would have to crack the bud open to find em.


Fuck those reprobates! :cowboy_hat_face:


I love these Lego vids, I have a lot of the PC video games, love to play them when smoking to help relax, a lot of fun, to me.



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Salutations Mike28086,

Initially i found “Madame Guillotine” was useful to express anger with Christine Angot at ONPC just a few weeks ago, after she went lamentable on TV5 (especially for a critic)! Being French it only made sense to bring back the ghost of Marie-Antoinette

Then if you haven’t watched that one yet i guess today is the right time:

YouTube: running the gauntlet (2018-Feb-19)

Personally i believe video game musical animation would prove most entertaining in tablet/phone applets meant to reflect “Bio-Feedback” signs, extracted from cloud opacity combined to airflow sound, as suggested below:

Which is also an opportunity to test local hosting
 But that’s another story.

The principle here is that this could become the karaoke of vaporist lounges, etc. Go figure!

All on a Mario Bros beat

Good day, have fun!! :peace:


I like the way you think brother @Egzoset! However I am intimidated by your brilliance and exquisite command of the English Language. Much love and respect from some shitkicker in Texas! :cowboy_hat_face:

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Salutations OleSkool830,

So far so good, i feels great having an opportunity to dip my left toe in a pool of harmony! :sunglasses:

 Perpahs practice makes perfect but anyone is free to try the same! :+1:

Crush my sense of humility so much now i know you’re joking! :relieved:

But that’s fine, i won’t deny a simple fact, re-reading myself can prove laborious at times. Hence my need to practice further more! Tanks for providing some of those times.


Actually this sample on Texan “shitkickers” still puzzles me, though i’m interpreting this as confirmation that QuĂ©bec and Texas both removed intolerant groups of the '50s from political institutions. Too bad there’s more of those ready to take over, like the “Scientology” church via Narconon in my country (“Fix-my-Kid” style): in Ottawa senator Jean Lapointe who signed their banner a few years ago now warns that mari-caca will KILL, in support of his comrade senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu who declared this as well

The more it changes the more it’s the same. They were simply awaiting for their strategic cue, to come back through every crevice like cockroaches.

Good day, have fun!! :peace:

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Actually this sample on Texan “shitkickers” still puzzles me, though i’m interpreting this as confirmation that QuĂ©bec and Texas both removed intolerant groups of the '50s from political institutions.

I wish I could say that is accurate @Egzoset. Those intolerant groups still dominate our State Legislature. Dominionists and christian extremists have the loudest voice right now. :cowboy_hat_face:

Hi again OleSkool830,

In Ottawa we still have federalists in multiple flavours, if not fervors; all tasting pretty much the same at the end: the hate-of-love/love-of-hate, it’s universal and sells quick 'n easy everywhere!

Loud voices is practically all we can heard on the public place these days.

Good day, have fun!! :peace: