Twin seed or mutant?

Hey guys,

When I checked my seeds that am germinating für ja next run, I noticed that one seed seems to sprout two root tips. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before? I’m wondering if there are two seedlings in that seed or if there’s just one with a double root tip.

Any ideas?


Plant it and find out. :+1:


I had an Ogre cross that were twins from 1 seed…I grew it out and it was a male and female…


No shit, my first thought was how cool would that be! That woke be like a natural S1 pair, right? Should be easy to stabilize, I figure.

I have one growing right now and I had one last year! I just posted about it yesterday in my grow log if you want to check it out! I attached a link if you want to check out the one I have growing right now.

Wilk’s 1st OG Diary

The on I have now and the one you have appear to be joined together. I ended up planting mine as is this morning but the one I had last year was different. It was not joined together and easily split into two. I was able to get both of those to grow and the runt of the two ended up being fire!!! I will try to find a pic of my Capulator Burnie Mac that had twins last year. Someone did tell me they have spliced them with an exacto knife but I decided to not try it because you take a chance in killing both.

Just took a new picture after the light went on.

Really looks like two plants in one seed.

@PhilCuisine what did your do with your twins. Did you pollinate them and got seed?

I’m asking myself if we can save this trait. Where are your located? Depending on the distance, we could exchange pollen or even clones.

You game?

I grew them out and kept the female for years, I also kept some of the male pollens to breed with other strains…pictures were in my old Overgrow gallery and don’t have any pictures to post.

I found a pic from the one I had last year. I thought I caught it when it was a seed but I caught it as it was starting to come out of the soil. I now remember digging the two up carefully with a toothpick. They were not joined together so I kept them in the same cup until I knew they were both taking off. I put the little one in its on cup after that and grew in put. I do not have a clone of that one but wish I still did. Now that I remember it being like that, hopefully we will both get twins out of these beans!


I missed your reply somehow! I have only been growing a couple years and I do not have any experience with breeding so that I can not answer. Saving the trait is something I have wonder if it is possible but again, I don’t know much about that subject. Maybe a cool little project to start messing around with?? Here is the one I have now. I planted it this morning.


Usually the seed will have two distinct hemispheres when this happens but once and a while a pair will come out of a normal looking seed. I just popped about 300 seed and four like these came up.


Update: put the little guy in soil and one got decapitated while breaking through.
So the stronger one survived, I guess


Alright, I wouldn’t have suspected this, but it seems the one I thought was beheaded is growing its head back! Anyone ever seen this?

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Wow, so it’s a viable seed? :grin:

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Well this is interesting…

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I guess it is. Haven’t checked out yet today but I will keep posting updates.

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Thought so too :relaxed:

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there was most likely another embrio in there that didn’t germinate or some other tissue rather than it being beheaded. If you lose the cotyledon on a seedling before it has grown anything else it will have no chance at survival.

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I thought the same, I was actually just too lazy to pick out that stem right away and I’d do it later. But now it really looks as if the catyledon is growing back on it.

The only possible explanation I can come up with is that she really got beheaded but did not lose the complete node and suffered a kind of microscopical fim leaving behind so little of the catyledon that I couldn’t see it.
However,I would have never thought that something like that would even work. When I 1st learned training techniques I was taught that you shouldn’t top before the 4th node, but I guess technically it can work. And I’ve actually never experimented with cutting before the 4th or fimming in general. I am curious how it’ll grow.

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Alright, and now it’s really getting weird (as if it hadn’t been already… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:): it seems Mary Stuart (I decided so much fighting spirit deserves an individual name) is growing a second pair of catyledons. At least I cannot detect any sawblade-like leave edges yet, like the regular socond node has. If it grows a second pair I’ll have to rename it to hydra :sweat_smile: