Two plants from one seed?

Hey guys. I am starting up my second grow and just popped some seeds to try and avoid PM and spider mite issues that I had from clones that friends gave me. Check out this plant?? Never heard or seen anything like it. It had 2 little taproots sticking out prior to planting. I am assuming they are twins??


Yep, its twins. Iv had some do that too. it is a bit rare.

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Oddities wow! Just like Siamese twins Chang and Eng joined at the hip. Are they a particular strain? Did you use a rooting hormone?

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I made a cross last year that had several twins. the seeds were actually adjoined.


Now you have to send money to the breeder for the one you havent paid for lol hehehehe :wink:


I’ve had 2 seeds lately that had a viable mini-me inside.


twins indeed…seperate them

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I wish I had a mini me to sit in the grow room and do my dirty work, minions might work too but they can be clumsy and talk too much jibberish


I call them double taps!! Lol!! Cause of the double taproot! Separate them though- cause if not one will kill the other. FYI.

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Well here i am first reply to posting…after pull apart a twin plant… she are gonna grow up with care and beginning be a monster


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