Uncle Roms dirty debacular diary

Hey y’all. So I was using a 4x4ish veg (315 cmh, 4 inch inline) and a 5x5 bloom (315 cmh + 3-400 watts cobs and strips and such and 6 inch inline)
I was doing small pots with promix, air pruning/hardcore root training. sometimes cut with coco. I did a crazy kratky plant for fun

Had to downsize recently cause of renovations going on. Now I’m in a 3x3 with a small veg spot to save me a few weeks every round. 315 watts of random LED s and a 4 inch inline. I’m in coco this time. Growing lemon tree x blue orca haze and blueberry og x blue orca haze from synergy and testing a few from my own chucking. Bubblegummer red (Female Seeds) x bodega bubble gum#10 x Nigerian Sunshine (Synergy)
The NS is 1976 Nigerian landrace x blue moon rocks


Looks good

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Plants look happy and healthy. What are the 2 big ones in the back?


Cool name @Uncle.Romulus plants look happy and healthy welcome to Overgrow love to see grow diary’s of new members keep up the good work


Lemon tree x blue orca haze from Synergy genetics. So blasted vigorous and healthy. Can’t wait to see how the smoke turns out on those, cause they look to be yielders!


A little about me. I live way up north in Canada in a remote location. I like playin drums and growin weed. Been growing on and off for a decade plus but only took it serious last few years. I really like hunting for special/rare plants.
Started out reading and researching on icmag. Bout a year before “legalization” up here I got brave and started posting at thcfarm then migrated around a bit and spent some time a chuckers. I mostly hang out at phenohunter cause I’m tight with those folks but I like to keep all my old accounts and relationships open and visit once and a while.
I got the ol ptsd and keep weird hours often so don’t be surprised when I’m lurking around posting and liking your posts at 3 am. I’m not your jealous ex, just bored :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: