Underground Originals Blues reproduction (co-op)

Glad to have ya @keene :facepunch:t2:


Took me a while to catch up but I’ll be following this one. Awesome stuff!


How did i miss this thread!!! Tried growing some ugorg a while back, but unfortunately all my seeds ended up crushed and the seedbank i ordered from wasnt helpful at all. Dude defiantly needs some better packaging, but regardless, pumped to watch these grow!!!


@TopShelfTrees1 you have so much going on. How do you keep up?
Did you ever start the Bubba run?
Congrats on the co- op!


Trust me sometimes I get lost too, I have calendars, white boards and sticky notes EVERYWHERE! Literally in the sticky note king! Plus I probably keep sharpie and five star (notebooks) in business literally single handedly it’s ridiculous but it works (usually :wink:) I had an issue that made me have to basically wait for boo to finish so I could empty that whole room (4x8) , (4x4) , (2x4) and my clone shelving system. Cull almost everything. Take new cuts of everything, root them to start 34 new moms. All while spraying.
ATM it’s still ongoing (my cleaning /sterilizing etc) but by next week I should be able to start reintroducing plants in there and get my ass back on track, 4 months appx. No joke, 4 months! :man_facepalming:t2: worst issue I’ve ever come across and the first time I’ve ever had them, they got pretty thick as I’d never had them and by the time I noticed they were established for sure. I’ve used beneficials, nematodes, diatomaceous earth, h2o2, isopropyl mixes , thrip killer, pyrethrin and all. But one and done seems to be the one that worked, after I got rid of 80% of my entire living stock :man_facepalming:t2: ya a complete nightmare. Thrips !

But on a good note I should be back to full capacity by March and then I can get back to clockwork cuz this entire thing has been a nightmare not only for my plants etc. but my anxiety too. Real bad. Never been so frustrated growing, even when pythium invaded a whole home full of RDWC and NFT units. This was worse, much worse, even mites, EVERYTIME I’ve had them I can eradicate within a week or so usually. This has been 4 months of hell. So ya, QUARANTINE people, QUARANTINE! I was lax on my protocols twice and it literally caused a complete nightmare!


MTA One and done is great. I had great success with it outdoors last year. I have never had thrips bad. I have seen them a couple times in my grows over the years. And they always appeared shortly after taking in some clones from an outside source. I am ocd when it comes to IPM. Every Wednesday is “spray day” I call it. Been using neem for 30 years. But man it’s a time consuming protocol. But it has worked for me very well. Though I have read claims neem is bad so I might just switch to the MTA one and done for all my IPM needs. Would love to get off the every week spraying. Maybe I could get away with every two weeks with MTA. But neem also works as a fungicide not sure if the MTA does. So I keep asking myself why change if it isn’t broken. Well getting old and slow that’s why. Getting back on track……looking forward for a successful repro on this project. And hopefully you can make it to the Zlabs reunion this year love meeting online peeps. It such a treat to put a face to name. Peace


Oh man I want to SOOOOOOOO BAD! I was so close last year but both options fell through (what are the odds :man_facepalming:t2: I swear it could only happen to me) but I’m absolutely hellbent! Thank you :pray:t3:

Ya the one and done is great! Thank god for @MissinBissin hooking me up as I still haven’t even sourced everything to make my own big ass batch yet. But he sent me a ton of undiluted and it’s saved my ass. Thanks again brother :facepunch:t2:


The other option is kill everything right off the back like I did but seriously folks it’s kills me to hear people not knowing about pests and disease! I too was once oblivious but now I’m glad I’m educated enough to be safe! It’s definitely something way overlooked by people trading and it’s scary how paranoid shit can make you after you’ve had it once! Once of ANYTHING is enough to make you wonder why you didn’t research and learn more earlier! If you don’t know about pests or disease this is your sign to look it up and get informed! I lost over 1k worth of genetics and wound up sending shit to my buddy who lost equally as much in genetics. It’s not fun to learn the hard way but it’s better than being oblivious


Amen! So true, and tbh for the amount of time I’ve been doing this I should have known better, but we all get lax, and never having one, nor hearing of anyone in my circle having them I figured I was golden…. NOT


Absolutely! Only takes one! One slip up can make a whole mess for later. You got me worried about that soil i got for the GP transplant. Someone was saying the hp promix and likewise were bad for having fungus gnats or what not. Never really had any issues with fungus gnats being in coco but soil is a whole new ballgame for me. Went with the sunshine mix with mycorrhizae


Been fighting fungus gnats in Promix HP, can attest it’s an issue.


@yardgrazer do you spray your medium down with neem oil or anything to keep them at bay? Or just practice good watering schedules?


I’ve been trying both without much success… but TBF I haven’t been as methodical as a person could be. Not giving up, just need to find the time to really get on top of it.


They are a pita too! I beat them with nematodes , my buddy crushed them with diatomaceous earth but it doesn’t always work for me so I just grab a pack of nematodes or two. Always works. They expand quick those little bastards


I finally started applying DE yesterday, I think I should pull all of the containers out of that tent and apply DE to all of them. These days it’s only a matter of finding the time to do it.


I’ve got rid of these fungus gnats after a big infestation by applying first nematodes in the soil to get rid of most, and then BTi to keep them at bay. Now I only see one tiny survivor once in a while. Then I apply some BTi again. But nematodes are really effective, only hard to keep on the long run, hence the BTi.


I doubt this is an option for everyone’s grow, but I’ve had awesome results with hydrogen peroxide against fungus gnats. I won’t recommend ratios because of all of the varying percentages of H2O2 available, but it works wonders if you can use it!


Yeah diatomaceous earth is only good when dry but I have seen it help. It killed a flea infestation in my house brought in by my dog too, good stuff


Fungus gnats are easy. Get a bucket or something, fill it with some water, add mosquito bits and use that to water. Works great


Ya mosquito bits for the win. Only thing I can use to keep them at bay, well that and sticky pads. :+1: