The Gossamer Years

Howdy y’all,

Welcome to my continuous grow log. Things will be slow at first, as I’m currently limited to a 2x2. I have a few exciting projects lined up for this year, to include my first outdoor grow, so I’ll be having fun soon. I’m also limited to my phone camera, so apologies in advanced for the lower quality.

Lets start off with wrapping up my previous grow. All the “smokable” bud was turned into seed. The Golden Showers pollinated everything more than I had anticipated.

Golden Showers is Afghan Haze Catpiss x Hawaiian Catpiss. The females that were hit were:

  1. Colombian A.S.S
  2. Super Pineapple Haze
  3. GG#4 x Cinco De Chem
  4. Mo-Lune-Day

Right now I’ve popped a few Colombian A.S.S x Golden Showers.

The Colombian A.S.S female was gorgeous and reaked of old lady perfume.

The goal is grow these out until it’s warm enough to place them outside.


Mother Plants:

This is Phoebe (Grandi Guava) and Pompei (Bubba Diagonal) from Purple City Genetics, they were $4 combined at the dispensary, and seem to be doing okay with my tough hand.

Emily (Mo-Lune)

She’s looking a little deficient, but I’m okay with it for now. I’m still running Drip Hydroponics nutrients and have been feeding all the gals the recommended “clone” feeding from their chart.

Doña Florinda (Colombian A.S.S)

Rochelle (Super Pineapple Haze)

She’s the unhappiest of them all. I was a bit disappointed with this plant, was expecting a lot more smells. Straight up nothing coming off her at day 60, so maybe I needed to take her longer. Regardless, my goal is to keep her alive.

Thanks for showing face! Here’s to some good times, mis parceros.


All I heard was that the Golden Showers gave all your girls a golden shower. :rofl::laughing::rofl::laughing:

Seriously though.
Best of luck to ya my friend. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve had some plants that have lacked in the terp department that have knocked my socks off effect wise. So not all hope is lost there.

Good luck in your endeavor!


Ain’t that the truth.


Nice my friend, keep up the great work :facepunch:t2:

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Right? You gave me an idea; my favorite of the accidental crosses is going to be named Golden Bukkake. It seems fitting

Thank you for the well wishes hermano!

She had a strong metallic stem rub to her in later veg. Maybe it’s one of those profiles that have to cure for a bit before it becomes more apparent. She was real pretty too.

Hope to see ya around, thank you for the well wishes.

¡Gracias parcero! I’m trying to get my skillset up so I can do a Co-Op run. Would love to give back to the community.

I looked at some houses yesterday. One had the perfect basement for all my growing needs. Good things are coming! Thank y’all for stopping by.


In reference to Rochelle ( Super Pineapple Haze ), from the man himself.


And so, a new chapter begins.

For the first harvest of the year, I’ve sowed the following cultivars:

  • Puck Bc3 F2 (f1s by Bob Hemphill)
  • Golden Showers F4 (F3s by AKBB)
  • Pine Tar Kush (AKBB)
  • Super Silver Catpiss Bx2 (OSC)
  • Mango Biche (F) (Colombia Golden)
  • Blue Suede Shoes (@Crafty_Flame)
  • Hazmat OG x Blowfish (@stanknugzz77)
  • Goji OG (Reproduction by @The_Lazy_Hippie)
  • Night Terror OG (I received these in a Co-Op, but am unsure who is the source).
  • Blue Kush (Reproduction done by @DougDawson
  • OG’ER Kush (Reproduction by @Gpaw)
  • Kush #4 x SSD (Reproduction by @Kyumonryu
  • Hell Raiser OG Bx1 (OSC)

When the sun comes up, I hope to take some cuttings off some moms to incorporate them into the grow as well. The main theme for this first harvest is OGs and Kushes in an attempt to prepare for the Banana OG seed co-op run.

First to germinate was:

  1. PUCK
  2. Blue Kush
  3. Golden Showers


Hola, muy buenas tardes.

Hay alguien en casa?

Here are the stretchy PUCKs, doing what they always do. This will more than likely be the last batch I run for a long time. It was a project I was excited about, but have slowly been losing interest. The plants are finicky, and the reward isn’t so fantastic. We’ll see what these provide.

The morning after those pictures were taken, I woke up to this:

I had underwatered this PTK. I ran out of my 2 inch containers and had to use these 4 in ones, and should’ve realized I needed to water them differently.

In a sleepy panic, I decided to water everyone.

A lot.

They did not like it.

I realized after taking the last picture that I had fucked up. So I decided to burry their stems a lot sooner than I typically do, in hopes that good ol’ capillary action would do its job.

And it did! These pictures were taken the day after adding the soil:

It’s been a real cruel waiting game, waiting for this soil to dry out. I could see the anoxia happening, as the leaves turned lighter colored.

Well, I’m happy to say that it’s been 6 days, and the soil is finally dry enough. I believe tomorrow they’ll be ready to get watered again:


󠀠In other news, Rochelle (Super Pineapple Haze) flowered after I took cuttings of her. Kind of a bummer, since I was looking forward to going through her golden shower offspring. I’ve decided to flower her out, as well as her clones for some smoke, but then the offspring seeds will go into storage.

I gave all the mothers a haircut so I could fit some new mothers in the tent. I have some Sherbert Cream Pie, Superboof, and White Grapefruit Cookies that shall be ran here soon.

Oh and, that one Pine Tar Kush survived.

The final Roster is:

Puck Bc3 F2 : 9
Golden Showers F5: 7
Pine Tar Kush 2:
OG’ER: 3
Goji OG: 2
SSD x Kush: 1
Night Terror OG: 2
Hell Raiser OG Bx1: 2
Hazmat OG x Blowfish: 2
Blue Kush: 3


Both the Hazmat OG crosses have been culled.

1 is a mutant, one has stalled.


Hey just wondering why u got rid of the mutant?

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Howdy pal!

I just noticed the “AKA Heisenbud” lol.

So, I’ve only dealt with two mutants prior to this. One was actually a Super Berry x Blue Cheese (The one I fell in love with), and the other was a Chem^3 from stanknugzz as well. The Blue cheese produced these crazy hollow stems (I forget the name for the condition) that made it very difficult to train the way I train my plants. With the Chem plant, it hermed on me.

I currently have 32 seedlings going. I also just dropped in 3 Super Berry x Blue Cheese, plus 4 more Super Silver Haze Cat Piss Bx2s. From those numbers, I need to select 12 females that are going to be vegged for quite a bit. For those, I need real strong plants that aren’t going to behave erratic.

If I have remaining females, then they’ll get flowered after a short veg for some quick personal smoke, along with the clones I’ve got cookin’.

But basically, I have to dwindle my numbers down to the best of the best.

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“Your god damn right” :joy:

Sounds like U have a very well thought out plan.

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Sure sounds like it, but it’s just sounds!

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BDSM training has commenced.



Hey y’all,

My updates here will be short and sweet until I harvest the Banana OGs for the seed co-op.

My deep water cloner, along with a lot of the cuttings are gone. They developed this slime that I didn’t even know I was battling.

I noticed it sometime over a year ago. It happened to one or two cuttings, but I thought it was just normal. The time after that time, I noticed it on a few more. Then I attempted @Naptown916 's tek on fridge storage. All the cuttings got mold, and that same slime underneath. I blamed my Rapid Start nutrients, as well as my clone X, and disposed of both. And now, well… you see what I see.

I always clean my DWC after each use my dumping a whole lot of bleach in with some water, and letting it run for 24 hours. I then rinse everything out, and let it dry for 24 hours.

With this in mind, I wanted to see if the cyanobacteria (which is what it is, there’s a great thread [which I posted in] on ICMAG that explains everything)


I wanted to test if OPs statement that it can develop resistance to bleach was true. so I placed the contaminated cuttings in a 30% bleach solution for 20 minutes. Didn’t even tickle them.

I then left them in hydrogen peroxide for a few hours. It it seemed to be effective.

I believe the fix may be to incorporate hydrogen peroxide into the cleaning mix to avoid this from ever happening.

For now, I don’t want to spend the money on the antibiotic that the OP suggests, nor on the new pucks that the cuttings sit on. A homie pointed me to Athena’s cloning tek, and to an affordable dome that I could use. So, that’ll be what I’ll be using for now.


Curious if you have any data on the PH of the water as this progressed? I experienced a simiar root issue but was in micro octo reservoir.

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Garden looking sweet mate! Sorry to hear about the clones.
Hey not to sound like a dick, but I have my cuttings method down to almost a perfect strike rate. If you’re open to trying other methods I would love to help. DMs always open my man.
Looking forward to your harvest. :grinning:

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Nah, to be honest, I didn’t. I also was a little careless, as I used the same nutrient solution that I had just used for another set of cuttings. It was at least 2 weeks old. DWC has been a bit complicated, but placing cuttings into some rockwool seems easy.

What it do, Wokak? Thanks hermano, I’ll shoot ya a PM before I take my cuttings. I’m going to be experimenting with tissue culture here soon too. Should be fun.

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