Underground Originals Blues reproduction (co-op)

I put them in my res for my blumats, wipes them all out


Yeah mosquito bits are BTi basically.


Omg what a beautiful development in the past 3 days. The Pucks are Mindblowing <3 If you need a volunteer just hit me up :innocent:

My Outdoor season is definitely kind of dedicated to skunk :slight_smile:
Lost Skunk F2
Sk1 B5 F3
And some Spanish „Old school Skunk“

After a MF exhausting work week I just closed the desk and smoked two heads.

Into the blue, out of the blue hope the skunk dream comes true… haha

Happy weekend to y’all


Thats awesome! I have a few obligations and repros I’m doing but basically outside of those most every seed I pop will be skunks as well, I’m also going to look through those lost skunks too. I ALMOST ordered a pack of killer skunk (I want to bad) Hopefully I can still acquire some in the future. Got plenty to look through anyways . Have a great weekend yourself @CalleMinogue


Am-AY-Zing! Love it!


Fungus gnats hate Dr.Bronners Castile soap. One capful in a brewers bucket (6gallon) and in a couple weeks they are gone. I will see a few during the summer months but they don’t last long. I believe they drown. It acts like a surfactant. It works best if you use a plant saucer and fill it to cover the holes in the pots and then water as usual on top. I use it at every watering.
DE works but messy. Mosquito bits work good too. But Dr. Bronners is just as easy to use if not easier as the mosquito bits/dunks. I really only have the gnats be a problem during the warmer months. But I continue to use year around. Preventative is the key to success.


The first grow I did was organic and was gnat infested. Never again.
Promix hp, perlite. Salts.
I Haven’t seen a bug in 2 grows and I’m ok with that :wink:


Can you tell me the ratio you use and what percentage H2O2 you have ?

I can possibly figure out how much to use with the 3% stuff I find everywhere.

I just like to jot all these in my notes for the future and like to know what works for others.

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You just brought back a painful memory of mine haha
I remember the first time I used that soap. It was in an outdoor shower in the fall :joy:
I learned the hard way what strong peppermint soap feels like on your…body


With the 3% that you can pick up from just about anywhere they recommend a 1:4 peroxide/water dilution. I used to use the higher concentration that’s usually available from hydro stores (in the 30% range) so dilution was much different.


I have never used it on me lol. I don’t use the peppermint one didn’t even know that existed. I should have been more clear. I use the eucalyptus and hemp one. Though the peppermint one probably would work too. The gnats get a bath in that soap and their wings just suck up the water and they drown. Or so that’s what it appears to happen while observing. Anyway thank you for the bathing tip🤣


Cool :raised_hands:

Thank you. I appreciate that. I will definitely keep this noted somewhere if ever it’s needed. Hopefully never haha

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Lol your welcome. Okay got it. I actually never knew there was any other kind lol

Always liked that brand ever since I was a boy scout. I havnt used it in a long time, but I remember reading the Bible verses and all the uses on the bottle
I was taught it was an all in one, and so that is the only soap we would be allowed to bring camping.
Even used it for toothpaste back then.
Works if you need it, but the after taste was still minty soap :joy:


Second on this (for outdoor growing). Got a deal n a two pack of the Dr Bonners Peppermint soap couple years ago. Spray it all over the garden monthly, gnats, aphids, white flys etc can’t stand the smell of it. Bout the only natural pest abatement I know that actually works


Man, I need some of that stuff, sounds like a good IPM implement!


It’s cheap too haha


Thanks for the tip. Anything you can do for preventative maintenance the better in my experience.


I should add that I grow in coco, so it’s intended as a root drench. I used to use it in my reservoir. I’m clueless when it comes to soil, but I believe it’s use is frowned upon with soil, due to how it affects beneficial microbes, etc.

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