Unpopular opinion thread

Perhaps the number one reason to avoid dinner parties. Well, one of many.

I once went to a wedding with a bunch of medics who all got totally wasted and at the end of the night went back to their room and shot up electrolyte IVs into their arms.

I don’t ever want to walk into a room full of needle users independent of the context. It was surreal.

Why not just drink a little less?


pussies and assholes “equality for all” :rofl:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:!

sounds like a waste to me. we used to shoot up the iv bags in the morning to get rid of the hangover. never once had one prevented that way but it takes about 10 minutes to get rid of one after 1000ml of ringer solution. i still have a few in my aid bag in the garage. best hangover cure ever invented.

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I thought the best cure for a hangover was more booze!

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Ha zaa!!!


I read recently that people thought Maui Mango Haze was the BOEL Hawaiian sativa… IMBO I can confirm this…it is the “highly worked” BOEL Hawaiian. :slightly_smiling_face:


hard to do when you’re on duty and need to go jump. my son got his combat lifesaver qualification today and i asked him why they didn’t teach them how to give iv’s. he said he asked and they said that too many people were using them for hangover cures and also to get fucked up and people started dying, so only medics can give them now. go figure. i recall sitting around drinking and giving each other an iv, i can give one after 10 beers.

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My answer above is why I got sober :joy:


Not one good thing ever comes from drinking alcohol. In my experience.


After taking acid it really helps with the dry mouth.


Long fingernails on dude hands in weed pictures lets us know you have very poor hygiene and I bet you leave more stink on the seat than you do in the toilet.


It must be nice to have such good hygiene and be perpetually smell free. I bet your farts don’t smell bad either.

Haha. I’m fncking with you.


haha baby wipes for the bhole, always​:+1::rofl:
farts are involuntary. people can write one about nose picking being terrible and I’ll go in for anything annoying my nose 🤷


When I’m driving and I see someone picking their nose I roll down the window, point, and yell “Nosepicker!”

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:rofl: if someone is just digging away I’ll just stare to see if they catch me lmaoooo. got flipped off a few times just from looking at em

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Bacons bad for you.


I had a girlfriend turn me onto using baby wipes 13 years ago. I dig the shit out of them. No pun intended.


Don’t cook bacon naked.


Dear McDonalds: a bagel is not an English muffin. Please do better in the future.

Nor is bacon a sausage