Unpopular opinion thread

Nice! What better way to get inspired to do something than from your own children. That’s really cool man.


my daughter is awesome. all my kids are. and the grandbabies. seeing my granddaughter walk around with a pocketful of frogs and worms is great. all she wanted for Christmas year before last were ducks. she asked for a tank of shrimp this year, has a crawdad in it now.


Sounds like a future marine biologist in the makings!!!


I really want to go back to school for botany or mycology myself as well. Wish I was this interested when I was younger but I didn’t even know what the possibilities were because public education failed many of us. I went to chef school as a last resort at 21 and and at 46 I’m starting over after 25 years in the kitchen. Go get it!


man, i’ve started over five times or more. got my first degree at 42, then another five years later. started my own company when i couldn’t find a job and made $50 last year working part time after 11 years with it. now i want to change gears and get into hemp farming and a degree to go with it at 54 (next month). i think i will. you should too, botany masters program.


You want to hear a story ? Years ago I had a bank account ( I wont name the bank) and they charged me a $ 12 fee if I didnt move money in or out of my account that month. So the month goes by and they charge me the $ 12 fee, but I only had $ 6 dollars in the account. So the sumbitches charge me another $ 15 fee for not having enough money in the account. So I end up with no money in the account and a bill for $ 21 dollars when THEY are the mother…kers that took all the money out in the first place. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Your mattress would never do that to you! :grin:


You, my good Sir have a very good point! :wink:


Retired officers with full disability and zero problems, full benefits. Meanwhile lower enlisted make dogshit and actually do work.

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It is my unpopular opinion,
Tiny fleas have smaller fleas,upon thier backs to bitem.
And those fleas have smaller fleas, and so ad infinitem.


My sock has always been very loyal to me as well. :joy:


What would your opinion be of the growers/chuckers trained at a place like the Oaksterdam facility? While I agree education carries a ton of weight, the training curriculum in any school setting started with someone figuring out what worked then training others while continuing experimentation and refinement.

Or do you mean specifically scientifically trained in botany? Because wouldn’t there need to be geneticists involved also and single cellular cloning and such?

Not looking to argue just asking? I’m not yet a chucker or even much of a grower. I just read about the oaksterdam facility in this dictionary I got for christmas.

Woohoo arbitrary distinctions!

I’m a chuckertanist


Does having a degree in botany make you a better pot smoker? Thats the real test of these plants. How they smoke. That’s our ultimate end goal with THC cannabis. If you can grow the plants well, select them based on smoking qualities, then continue the “pollen chucking”, you’re breeding. That’s cannabis breeding. If someone knows the inner cellular workings of the plant better than I do, whoopee doo, means nothing.


I kind of have a degree in botany. I smoked a lot of weed in university.


I knew that was coming. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


Arguing against education isn’t really an argument, every industry has educated professionals that do the job better than people uneducated, yes some people have natural talents and can thrive without educating themselves but to deny that that person would be better off with paper work to substantiate their experience is not how the world works and now that cannabis is part of the real world these rules now apply to it as well . Having an understanding of plants in general will help move the cannabis industry away from bro science and that will happen with people getting interested in botany, but if bro science works for you be all means keep at it, I personally can’t stand it and would like to understand why plants do what they do by understanding the science behind it. Nothing wrong with pollen chucking but don’t call yourself a breeder because you tossed pollen in a room with whatever seeds were hot last month, that is nonsense and that is what has happened with cannabis “breeders”. I’ve been pollen chucking for years but I would never call myself a breeder because of don’t know how or why and couldn’t name all the parts of the plant even involved with making a seed, most people that “breed” can’t either, If cannabis is going to be taken seriously people are going to have to accept that if you don’t move forward via education you’re going to be left behind by the people that already know the direction to take and that is via education, just like any other industry, education is key, it’s that simple. let’s face it,to this point it’s a lot of happy accidents pushing genetics forward, not people that knew what they were doing, basically luck and that’s it. Not breeding at all, pollen chucking. People that are botanists are going to be hired to run grows, not some guy who grows well in their tent. The difference between a hobbyist and a professional will definitely be defined. Taking cannabis specific courses should be done after understanding botany in general, vice versa is the cart before the horse.If we want to get away from this cowboy Instagram breeder gone wild nonsense we’re going to need people to get educated to push the envelope. You could get away with bro science in a a black market world but that’s going to quickly become a thing of the past. Don’t get me wrong observation and experience are essential but actual scientific study in a controlled manner is going to take cannabis a lot further than me pollen chucking in my bedroom with my favourite strandivars. putting a poly hybrid on a poly hybrid is not breeding.


I’m not responsible for the lack of self education in other people.


This forum has some very science focused individuals.

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My point is something like this, I just started growing mushrooms, am I going to call myself a mycologist? No because I’m not but I could become one and that should be the standard for breeding as well