Unpopular opinion thread

Well , well vegans are murderers lol.
I don’t care if you want to wipe your ass with a corn cobb so long as you don’t force me to.

I knew plants were sentient long ago, reading how some plants adapt in drought to actually become poisonous to survive in Africa
The relationship under ground etc.

Well it’s a Damn fact , Read it and weep.


i read a few years ago about how a forest is an interconnected network that can share nutrients from one side to the other. things that were not available on one side showed up when it was given to the trees on the other side. also, the fresh cut grass smell that everyone loves is a distress signal given off from what i read years ago as well.

interesting article. thanx for that link.


traditional hash is garbage.

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As someone who’s been in IT most of my life, a degree doesn’t mean shit. You could have a PHD in computer science from MIT and idk that you even turned a PC on. Certifications tho, tell me exactly what you know, and that works universally anywhere on earth. Experience is king in IT. A degree only says you could afford college, not that you know anything about IT at all. There is no standardized college computer course, every school can teach what they want.


i agree with that 100%. i got a job offer once because i got my security + in 2 weeks. dude said he had to study for two months to get his. i told him i actually messed around the first week because i procrastinate. i studied all day for five days then took a day off and took the test. not gonna renew it though, i have better things to waste money on. i got out of the class what i needed because i was working in the field while going to school. the rest of the class had the instructors over to fix problems and they all told me “you’re a tech, figure it out”. that’s why i got more out of it. having the book knowledge of how things worked allow me to figure out what is broken. some of that you don’t get from experience alone.

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I wish my boss felt the same way as you. Then I could just take and pass tests (one of the few things I’m good at lol) to move my career forward. As it is he’s “not a big cert guy” ( direct quote.) it’s probably a little different for me since I’m in consulting. And I’m probably gonna do an azure cert sometime this spring anyway.

I’ve been doing the same shit in my job for over four years and they won’t move me to something new. It’s frustrating. Thank god for weed…

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Your really going to stir it up with that :rofl:. So happy I wasn’t drinking my coffee

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lol! I thought it up yesterday while I was dabbing some bubble hash. I had a good laugh and forgot about it entirely. Then today I was like …hmmm I thought something hilarious and offensive yesterday…


LMAO what. He wants a degree over a certification? That’s kinda scary… the cert says exactly what you know. You could go to China with an A+/Net+, not speak a word of Chinese and just point at cert, and they’d know what you know how to do.


I feel this. Sec+ was probably the most boring one of them all. I never reupped mine either. I have the lifetime a+/net+, had mcsa, ccna, sec+, all that but yeah. 15 years in the same place running the show made renewing kind of moot. And the new CEO won’t pay for certs either. Sadness. Otherwise I’d grab Linux+ and a few others.

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As a teacher, and knowing several who teach Botany (or used to) at U of M-- they do not teach ‘basic daily use, floral, gardening, topiary, or growing techniques’ in Botany unless you sign up for ‘practical Botany’ as an elective. It is like taking Biology as a major-- thy don’t teach first aid there.

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I totally agree with you, I got AWS, GCP and Azure certs when I worked as a consultant and it was a game changer. I know that not everyone have this experience, but 10+ years in the field and the certs got my foot everywhere. I don’t even have a degree in CS, only Biology :sweat_smile:

Pz :v:t2:


You probably never got/had the good stuff!
Hand rubbed blonde Lebanese…!!!


brrr just reading that gave me the creeps! If someone touches that shit with their hand, it’s over. BARF!


AHA!! There ya go!
It’s a hygiene thing–not a hashish quality thing…got it! :+1:


Well that hygiene is part of the love, that’s for sure. It’s got to be live extracts, that’s where the flavor is at!
lol! OK Full melt as well. I’m picky.


You didn’t notice until you got a proper rig :rofl:. How is it treating you?

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Oh the temperature controlled hits are a game changer, for sure. I was loving the live extracts even when I was destroying them with shitty gear. Ignorance is bliss! Definitely can’t go back to any of those old ways. shudder


Once you’ve got a resume a degree doesn’t mean much in my experience.you’re boss is ridiculous and a dinosaur. With 4 years experience no one cares where you went to school or if you have a degree.


In some places they won’t even look at you if you don’t have a degree. And they will check to confirm too.