Unpopular opinion thread

We have grown Autos that totally sucked (small yield, low terpenes et…) , and others that yielded over a couple ounces, sticky/frosty as hell etc…
As People breeding for seeds, and who only grow bud for Draigs personal use, we often pop an auto we are familiar with, or that we know other people (more than one) have had a lot of luck with…because we only use what is left after getting the seeds from our Regs. for Ice hash…eventually. Nice to have something for Draig to actually SMOKE for his pain/insomnia in between.

(Revised due to hurt feelings)

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This will get me targeted-- but at this point, not really caring…

My VERY Unpopular opinion is that this place is starting to get like Roll-it-Up …
A LOT of folks being rude, disrespectful, and harassing other members for really stupid reasons.

Having a bad day? DON’T POST!

Have personal issues dealing with people of the opposite sex, or those who identify differently?
It’s called BEING AN ADULT… and suddenly there are a few here seeming to forget how to do that.


There’s always a few.


I agree. It annoys me when people express their opinion as fact.

It’s not hard to add a small disclaimer like “This has been my experience” or “Your mileage may vary.”


@coda is wrong wrong wrong and he has questionable personal hygiene. In my experience.


I pride myself in admitting when I’m wrong, but I have no excuse for my personal hygiene :wink:

Now where is that bottle of Aqua Velva?

Edit: I thought I was being funny, but I just checked, and they still make Aqua Velva!


Ugh aqua velva and vanilla based perfumes remind me of my elevator. They should be illegal I’d rather smell a dirty old armpit.


Also when I went to Mexico I thought I forgot my deodorant so I went without.

I just found it in an obscure pocket in my bag. Oops.


I do…In my case I think it’s because of all the weed I smoke. It has turned me into a dirty, filthy hippie. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m sure you just blended in with everyone else in that Mexican heat. Or you stood out as a stinky Gringo.


Botanist here. PhD, tenure track job, run a research program, the whole nine yards. I agree a lot with you! My unpopular opinion is that most people who preach science in Cannabis only do so when the science agrees with their viewpoint. I have many ideas rooted very firmly in science theory and proven in other crops that are immediately dismissed. Why? Because that’s not the way it was done before. Mindsets like that only hold the industry back and have allowed Big Ag to sneak right in. Cannabis is Big Ag now, plain and simple. Monocrops, specialty genetics, reliance on salt based fertilizer, primarily indoor cultivation, dominated by a few corporations. That’s big ag.


:rofl: lol i guess there’s unpopular opinions and illegal truths.

Pictures of Autoflowers with cat hairs are the best ones.

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Why the hell would you want to go to St Cloud?

I really shouldn’t say, but I must’ve missed something.


I haven’t watched aninal farm in a long time, but there’s some answers in there.

Couldn’t be more plain than that. thanks a lot. :roll_eyes:

Oh hell, i never watched AF, but i read the book about 70 years ago. Pretty darn good. You read it?

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The post was MY OPINION and GENERALIZED-- never at anyone…never interacted with this person…


the wife’s cousin moved from ca.

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I still dunno what whomever said that made you so angry, but now I’m hoping you’re not angry at me. I read up, skimmingly, but i didn’t see what anybody said about anything, really. But yanno, i’m obtuse (u might say abstruse, which isn’t what the angle’d be), so there’s that.


“Botanist here. PhD, tenure track job, run a research program, the whole nine yards.”

“reliance on salt based fertilizer”

This is the problem with America. Fake experts.

How are organic salts not salts?

You’re like the guys who laugh when I refer to a cannabinoid as a monoterpene polyketide lipid, while claiming to have studied Cannabis for decades.

I get a bonus for this one. Usually the data is anonamous. The regulatory agencies have a real brosci case study here.