Unpopular opinion thread

And having favourable tap water really helps.


Indoors I love a good DWC, but outdoors it’s regenerative farming.


Yep hun… sorry to say, but ya did…Their rude sarcasm was uncalled for since it was MY OPINION and NOT an attack on them (as they seemed to think it was) and even more went on behind the scenes… Over…done…finito.
Moving on.


You’re all highly regarded.

But seriously look up “salt index” natural organic this that who cares.
I use potassium acetate and citrate foliar as they are low salt index.
Low salt index.
That’s it. Grow n dont stress have fun.

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By those that matter.


As well you should be confident in saying. The point I was trying to make was that the plant has internal biological mechanisms to deal with these things naturally. My intent wasn’t to imply that you couldn’t accomplish the same results with hydro. Some of the healthiest root systems I’ve ever seen are those pulled up out of a bucket of salts.

I’m a big fan of science, but I’m an even bigger fan of empirical data :wink:


It always looks bigger when you get them from the pool.


Not really. I can choose not to partake, though

I grow in soil. I use compost. I use ferments. I don’t grow in the earth which allows to me to flush my media. I use salts. I mulch, cover crop and worry about heavy metal buildup using certain organic amendments. I think heavy metals take far more remediation that salt buildup. Overuse and over reliance on salts = bad. Piling on organic matter with little regard to half life and heavy metal accumulation = bad. Reactions are reactions and that’s what allows plants to feed. Also I don’t like sour cream.


I always salt my fried eggs.
Helps me be ‘salty’…


Shit man, no sour cream over here also!


You’re specifically well regarded for sure sir.

Yeah. This is true. And microbes absolutely thrive more under organic than salt based fertilizers. It’s not an attack on anyone, it’s just a fact. And it’s not unique to Cannabis, it’s all agriculture. And it’s primarily run as a joke industry. Cannabis, as an industry is awesome. It’s new and it is ripe for being a pillar of sustainability that other industries can model off of. But it needs to change some to get there, it’s entirely possible, it just takes people being willing to make changes.

Microbes are likely the most important organisms on our planet. They have symbioses with pretty much every type of lifeform and have formed those over billions of years. Natural systems are already insanely productive. Why would you not model off that? You can save money and grow better plant products. When you use salt based nutrients you soil loses the ability to fix nitrogen and cycle nutrients. Why? Because salt nutrients don’t rely on or promote those Microbes.

I definitely gotta step away from this. I’m sorry if some of the posts came off as mean spirited. I meant when I said it wasn’t a personal attack against anyone. But what is happening now with cultivation only leads to the same problems we have in other crops. And that hurts consumers. And more importantly small farmers, who are already an endangered species in this country. It’s something I’m passionate about. I appreciate everyone who contributed to this, whether we agreed or disagreed. Having the conversation is the first important step for moving towards sustainability. As homegrowers you have the chance to tell these companies no, if we don’t use the product, those companies don’t grow. Their whole agenda is to get you hooked on their products and supplements so that you can’t grow without them.


Save money yes
Better product questionable.

You have a field.
I have a bedroom.

Totally different animals.


They can try to take him out, but they still will never be able to stop what’s coming.

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Cause if you were Canadian ( i dont know if you are ) you would remember Trudeau senior had his hand in it . Like father like son

Oh no a universal standard of measurement! The horror!

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Isn’t THAT the truth!
We couldn’t figure out why recent grows were not ‘‘up to snuff’ with past grows… we tried changing products, lights etc…
Turns out, despite ‘‘good’’ well-water that reads at under 40tds, , we have an ‘iron eating bacteria’’ and Manganese overload in our well.
We now have to ‘‘shock’’ the well, and have put ‘‘Zero Water’’ filters on the tap (can’t do RO due to lack of drains to use )water makes a HUGE difference-- it is why our family has been so ill for so long…Manganese overload is pretty serious.
ALWAYS check the water you use-- it can change pH, ec etc… whether from a well or municipal!


Thank you very insightful ! One to make us all think about it . Thank you much

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Not different. You can accomplish the same indoors in an 8oz container. I do an experiment with a 4th grade class every year that shows the benefits of microbial life in soil with oat grass. You can get 1/3 more biomass (yield) with microbes than without, fertility held constant between the two.

I’d love to talk to you more about it if you want, if you don’t want to, no problem. It is absolutely possible to reap the same benefits indoors as you would outside, companies don’t talk about it though because they have a vested interest in you not doing so (selling salt based nutrients). This is the Big Ag component that is prevalent in Cannabis and is dangerous to both home and professional growers.

Open offer to anyone, my DMs are open if you want to discuss, debate, or learn how you can do living soil inside just as effectively as outside. I’m here to help and educate others. Regardless of our difference in opinions, I chose to be here to help and that’s what I am going to do. My job is literally to help growers, cannabis or otherwise, break free from Big Ag and maintain profitability while minimizing cost and environmental toll. I absolutely promise that there are strategies for indoor growers, big or small, that can a make a difference in your grow. It’s no one’s fault they don’t know, science at an academic level is hard and historically us academics haven’t been great at sharing results with those who need them. This is an opportunity for both the community and science to come together to protect Cannabis, let’s make the most of it.