Unreliable mail, or...?

Ive had packages from Amsterdam to UK get stuck in customs for up to 3 and half weeks (you can drive it in a day)
Holland is considered a high risk import country, Amsterdam pretty much everything gets checked, Rotterdam about half gets checked


:neutral_face: I’ll agree with the last two but the first is not really my business. My personal intuition was: someone who saw a last chance at commercial opportunity in the wake of large markets opening up. stated he had personal business complications with family. either ego or persistent misunderstanding was the source of my initial conflict. either way, the “system” here worked out.

I guess there’s a learning curve to everything, including OG Jedi Mod School.


:evergreen_tree: :blush:


I remember the last time I went UK to Amsterdam. The checks were unreal. They emptied my bag and searched me head to toe but on the way back i got straight through :laughing:

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someone i know forgot he had weed going Ams to Fra and saw cops with a dog coming on the bus so he ditched it in another persons bag & watched them leave for an interview. [smh] karma works slowly but i’m pretty sure it does.

me? i’d have smoked it all by then.


A test should be done to see if things are being stolen.

Use old brick weed bag seeds so they are sure to steal the good stuff, :smiling_imp:.


ooh!-- i have about 75 beautiful hermie beans! :imp: :fire: :scales:

edit we could label them as super rare & expensive strains too… :wink:



put a price on them

I put a fridge out on the street for free, no one took it
put a £30 price and a fake phone number, it got taken in 6 hours


Needed a bigger fridge for your seed collection, eh? :grin:


Hey thanks for posting this cogitech. I also sent several hundred beans to a long-time member of the community after they expressed interest. I sent several other shipments at the same time to other people. Everybody else let me know their packages arrived except for this one person. They did not reply to several emails or PMs after the fact. It’s now been a couple months. I’m disappointed but I guess it just is what it is. Don’t ask. :slight_smile:

Also, on another note, after a couple years of getting 100% delivery rate on bean sharing shipments, I recently had all packages from one drop go missing. It looks like it was a postal worker, because I’m pretty meticulous about the packaging, the postage, and handling in a way to avoid smell. Several packages sent a few days later from the same post office were delivered with no problem. It sucks when you’re sending a last-of-its-kind pack of seeds and they get taken by some asshole postal worker who prolly is looking for cash and has no clue what they took.