Oh shit where the hell have my antennas been dm incoming
@AzSeaindooin420 DM’d you, my friend. Thanks
Please be patient with @HappyTrees23s , he has a sleeping disorder.
Dam !!! missed that co-op run of “Chocolate diesel f-3 to f04’s” and to list of winners - happy you are going to experience a very good strain —Peace
It was just for pollen bud, seeds are still in the works. I’m sure crosses will be flying
Thanks for the heads up! I’ll exclude him from the timeline
Very cool of you @AzSeaindooin420 to do this. You are a value for community
Cool run and spreading the the pollen love
Plants lookin great! @AzSeaindooin420 !
U getting any dill pickle terps? The spirit train I grew was straight pickles in the jar
@Kushking902 and @MotaMan never claimed their pollen, so i still got 2 packs sitting here of it?
What y’all think? Should I page this last time for one last shot to claim it or offer it up to 3 lucky others that wanna claim it
Yes I am. I also did from the F2s when I made these seeds.
My seed run for OVergrow, The first post I talk about pickle smell
That’s a tough one. I know Gman has some stuff going on and isn’t on a ton, and KushKing would definitely put it to great use. I don’t know the other guy, but he’d be sad too I’d imagine
LOL I was making BHO (small batch at home) and I blasted into a mason jar. This mason jar happened to be the used one we got from a friend with pickles in it. Smell was drawn out of the jar and I had pickle dabs.
Well I’ve been paging since Sunday for Addy’s and seen kushking like another one of my posts in a different thread last night but still no addy 🤷 just wanna finish getting caught up on these and done worried about mailers for a bit haha
I understand and have no real opinion either way. I just know if I was missing out on something I would want someone to be like “hey, wait for this guy, he’s a really cool guy”
@AzSeaindooin420 IMO if someone signs up, but can’t be reached then it’s raffle rules: must be present to claim.
It’s not punitive to set a boundary that honors your time, and you’ve done your due diligence by tagging folks multiple times, so it isn’t “mean” or “unfair”.
It’s going to be a bummer for those folks, but waiting for stragglers also has an impact on folks who have an immediate use for that pow pow, and I’d hate to see people miss an ideal pollination window.
I think we’re seeing eye to eye on that one, hate to cut someone out of a sign up they got in on fair and square but respectfully I don’t wanna chase em down for a week to get it to em either.
Totally get we all got busy lives though and certain circumstances that come up so def try to be patient as I can
That being said, imma wait one last day to give benefit of the doubt then tomorrow I’m offering out what’s left but they certainly need some good homes and wanna be done with mailers this week being caught up on it all, including 4th of July, which I got out Monday for the last of those giveaways
If there is any left, i would love some