Uva and uvb advice

Lookin nice and frosty

Is this what you got?

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Yup, that’s them…


I will be starting my first grow this fall. Is this something I need Can I just use the MH315 I found cheap on CL?

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Yes, but MH is good for Veg, you need HPS for flowering.

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It doesn’t look like that. He said he grew with just that kind for years He is up dating to LED after we talked awhile and only charged $ 25 with 2 bulbs one for veg and one for flower.
The light says CDM-TP 315W/T12/U/O NA

Will the average home grower really see the difference in the end product? I think id be more inclined to really dial in my grow and see better results than think this will be the big leap in trichome production.

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Mh and cmh are really different, give it a Google. Cmh is fine from start to finish.


That’s what I use to use.

I’m have 3 gavita uvrs

Honestly I think there is something to it. The old school hps have some UV light too. And idk why its considered that indoor is better because if youve ever grown any other plant inside other than cannabis and compared it to the same genetics outside, the inside plant is pathetic…

You see the same thing with cannabis imo. A nice plant moved outside looks worlds different in just days, ime.

One of my first indoor grows back in the day under 2-400Watt HPS:

My first legal outside grow same clone cycle:


It appears that the Peavy amp you have did a great job defoliating :laughing:



Trimmed it all up before going into 24hr dark period.
But, that VYPYR 30 could come close.

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That’s what I use, the Super B tubes for tent and small space growers, they’re nice, you don’t have to pulse them like the small Flower Powers so they last longer, and they still reach down to 280nm even though the peaks are at 312 and 365nm:

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