Uva and uvb advice

How Ultraviolet Radiation Affects Plants with Dr. Bruce Bugbee


yes i saw this the same day came out, the other one i was talking is an horticulturist , professor from a university , i was searching her page in between my subs on YouTube but was useless haha i will search again

Do you have a link? I can’t find this.

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Its on the htg website

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Thank You for the link @anon93244739!

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I use the Micro UVB310, only the last 3 weeks for 2hrs per light cycle, during the middle of 12 hour light cycle. Without lab testing, I have noticed resin increase and High increase on a few strain I ran without a couple cycle before getting UVB lights. $89 bucks for fixture and light, BUT I dont know if they still ship to US. cheers Screen Shot 2021-04-13 at 9.03.32 AM

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I did a bunch of research on UV and both A and B seem to have their purpose. UVA, the most prominent wavelength of UV in nature, increases plant trichome production. UVB on the other hand is much more damaging and if used correctly will increase THC potency. So for example if you used your plant for Rosin and it was 20% THC if you added UVA you should get better yields of rosin at 20% THC. If you added UVB in the correct amount you could end up with 22 or 23 % THC. One must be careful with UVB as it damages the plant cells quickly. I run and HLG UVA bar that mounts to my light with good results. It runs 12/12 the whole flower cycle. If I did that with UVB I would kill the plant.


Not to be argumentative but you you do get sunburn from UVA. Take a look at this article. I also would not strobe a UVC spectrum. Being the most damaging wave length it should really be reserved for sterilization.

UV Radiation - The Skin Cancer Foundation.

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So as I am New I should only deal with only UV? I think I may have a lead on a used MH315 at this point. And where sun block when I work with them.

You mean a cmh 315? I love mine. Get it. Its as cool as my led panels.

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Sorry I must have mis-heard them.

I need to try a control, get a uva grow and a uva/uvb grow.


I added a UBA bar to my last run and must say it did seem to help with trichome production.


8AM - HPS only
9AM - HPS only
10AM - 2 minutes UVB /w HPS
11AM - 3 minutes UVB /w HPS
12PM - 4 minutes UVB /w HPS
1PM - 5 minutes UVB /w HPS
2PM - 4 minutes UVB /w HPS
3PM - 3 minutes UVB /w HPS
4PM - 2 minutes UVB /w HPS
5PM - HPS only
6PM - HPS only
7PM - HPS only
8PM - HPS only

what im starting on


Just to follow up on this, in the 12 days UVB has been on, I’m on I think day 26 of flower, the trichome production is really packing on fast and most of it is already starting to be milky. I’m assuming from the use of UVB it’s reacting faster than normal.


Interesting that you have your uv on incrementally. I’m just using reptile uvb cfl, they are on the same strips as the screw in bulbs, so they are on when the lights are on. I do start them off further way or with the lower uv output bulb closest to them. The bulbs I’m using are the lower watt ones. The bulbs I’m using are suppose to be within 6” of the reptile.

These lights I’m using are about 20x the intensity as your reptile bulbs

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I’m going to be adding uv soon to my tent. I got some aromas uv bulbs on the way. My question is how long should I run them for? I was thinking for only 15 mind during the middle of lights on, but after reading this I’m thinking more like an hour or 2. Any input would be greatly appreciated

Get yourself a digital timer.

Start small and work up

2-3-4-5-4-3-2 mins in the middle of your cycle if your using t5 uvb tubes.

Over time get to, 15-18-20‐25‐20‐18‐15

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There’s lots of conflicting info out now, some pushing UV-A over UV-B and visa versa. I own the California Light Works units, they work well but I’m not really convinced it does much. I’ll keep playing with them the last 2 weeks of flowering, but the jury is still out.

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