Vegetable gardening

Anybody ever start any rhubarb seeds.


At first I thought “vegetable gardening” was a reference to us “older” gardeners… glad I was wrong!

Sure man… plant seeds in good, moist, loamy soil a 1/4" deep and put in a well lit location. The seeds will take 2 to 3 weeks to germinate.


Started my tomato’s peppers and cucumber


Most people plant roots but a couple years ago a guy gave me probably an ounce of the thin cherry stalked sweet seeds.
I’d like to get these going


Peppers take forever to germinate…so i found out also my window sill is much to hot for pepper sprouting. The rest is all up going all gang busters…2 days for cucumbers to break the soil!:slight_smile:


Got some of our bell pepper seeds going today. We had a cantaloupe the other week and we kept the seeds. Anyone try germination cantaloupe seeds? Not looking to actually harvest any…just get them growing a bit for fun.

It’s the 2nd. week of February 2024 and these are the last of my tomatoes from my 2023 veggie garden…

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A farmer friend recommended the ‘ Terin f1’ tomatoes from Johnnys as a flavorful, productive San Marzano type paste tomato. Only packs of 1,000 seeds were available, at about $50. At first I thought- no way- but then I thought about $50 cannabis packs being about average for just 10 or 12 seeds and so I went ahead and got a thousand seeds. Should last a few years in the garden lol