General veggie garden

the cucumbers off this plant are so good. Nothing like home grown veggies. I need to research how to stop blanching because I’ve got gherkins growing… everywhere. Lol.


Nice I have some spuds growing in 3 gallon fiber pots,just grew some tomatoes and peppers I grew them in the tents with my weed lol,I don’t have a garden living in an apartment and the San Francisco fog kills everything except for potato


Hey man! What’s your yields n those spuds?

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Not very good lol I wouldn’t like to depend on the spuds to feed me,think 5 gallon pots would be better


Just wondering cuz I put in a 100 ft potato row this year

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They grow a lot better outside than in buckets just don’t over water them[ you can make potato bread out of them, I love spuds


So do I… that looks great

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That looks really good. Never tried my hand at growing potatoes but I’d like to try

Im a fan of hot peppers that make me sweaty at the table lol. Nothing better than a pickled pepper eating contest. I’m sweating just thinking about it

I don’t like spicy food the wife does,gives
Me heartburn and the shits,remember eating
A ghost chill sausage in work one day,

Though I was going
To die,asshole I was working with made sausage and peppers sandwiches and didn’t
Tell me he used to the ghost chill sausages lol

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I grew cherry tomatoes last year in my grow tent they came out the best,made all sorts of
Sauce with them

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Oh ok wow, yeah you gotta be careful with those spicier varieties. I never go past the red Chile lol any more just hurts